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The woman laughed, not at all displeased with herself nor with her rough admirer, and set to some trivial office. Mungo was finished with the coat; he held it out at arm's length, admiring its plenitude of lace, and finally put off his own hodden garment that he might try on the Chamberlain's. "God!" said he, "it fits me like an empty ale-cask.

Turn your mind to the real difficulty. How are we to get him up to Bloomsbury?" Various schemes were mooted and rejected. John feebly proposed getting an ale-cask and sending it as beer, but the objections to this course were so overwhelming that Morris scorned to answer.

Turn your mind to the real difficulty. How are we to get him up to Bloomsbury? Various schemes were mooted and rejected. John feebly proposed getting an ale-cask and sending it as beer, but the objections to this course were so overwhelming that Morris scorned to answer.

The coachman showed rosy blossoms on his face deeper even than his granddaughter's his being drawn from the ale-cask, Fanny's from the fountains of the dawn. But, in spite of his blooming face, some infirmities he had; and one particularly in which he too much resembled a crocodile. This lay in a monstrous inaptitude for turning round.

At last the time arrived when it looked as though these visions were to be the only glimpses of food vouchsafed to them. "Bread for one more meal; and the last ale-cask has been broached," the steward answered in a very faint voice when Morcard put the nightly question.