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In that year he found an opportunity to escape from Algiers, and to return to Ajaccio, when he abjured his renegacy, exchanged the Alcoran for the Bible, and, in 1791, was made a constitutional curate, that is to say, a revolutionary Christian priest.

"He would have the fate of Cassandra," said the man in black; "no one would believe him yes, the priests would: but they would make no sign of belief. They believe in the Alcoran des Cordeliers that is, those who have read it; but they make no sign."

He had mastered Turkish and Arabic, had studied the Mohammedan religion, had published the Alcoran in Bohemian, and had written a treatise denouncing the creed and practice of Islam as Satanic in origin and character. He belonged to the Emperor's Privy Council, and also to the Imperial Court of Appeal. He took part in theological controversies, and preached sermons to his tenants.

The Alcoran may exclude her from Paradise, and teach her that she has no soul; practically, if not literally, it has done this. But Christianity places her in the same high rank with man. She is an heir of the Redeemer's kingdom.

In the evening he bathed, and said his prayers; and, after having read some chapters in the alcoran with the same tranquillity of mind as if he had been in the sultan's palace, undressed himself, and went to bed, leaving his lamp burning by him all the while he slept.

In that year he found an opportunity to escape from Algiers, and to return to Ajaccio, when he abjured his renegacy, exchanged the Alcoran for the Bible, and, in 1791, was made a constitutional curate, that is to say, a revolutionary Christian priest.

But soon the shrill, harsh voice of Gaut's lawyer was heard rising above the buzz of the excited crowd, and bursting in a storm of denunciation and abuse on the witness, and all those who had a hand in bringing him forward, to thrust in, against all rule, such a story, which, if true, had no more to do with the prosecution now in progress than the first chapter of the Alcoran.

There is a famous passage in the Alcoran, which looks as if Mahomet had been possessed of the notion we are now speaking of.

The words are, 'In the name of God, gracious and merciful, before each of the 114 chapters of which Alcoran consists. Ed. Ed. One who justifies himself; the self-righteous. The word is only used by religious writers, and never now. Ed. What is this to me, O law, that thou accusest me, and sayest that I have committed many sins?

As soon as his son Bedreddin had attained to seven years of age, he provided him a most excellent tutor, who taught him as became his birth. The child had a ready wit, a genius capable of receiving all the instructions that could be given, and, after having been two years under the tuition of his master, learned the alcoran by heart.