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You think me a Virginian; I'm an Alabamian by birth, and was a reb three months ago." This confession startled his hearers, as he knew it would, for he had kept his secret well. Thorn laid his hand involuntarily upon his rifle, Dick drew off a little, and Flint illustrated one of his own expressions, for he "gawped."

Nor do they seem to have shared the taste of the old Scandinavian and the modern Georgian or Alabamian, who have been known to turn drinking-cups and carve ornaments out of the skeletons of their enemies. But they liked the taste of human flesh. The difference between them and the Spaniard was merely that the latter devoured men's flesh in the shape of cotton, sugar, gold.

"'Not for myself, Richard; he said, 'no, I was thinking of that awful march across the "Dead Man's Journey," a savage, thorny desert of ninety miles, destitute of water. We were driven through it without food and without sleep. My companion was a young man of twenty, the son of a wealthy Alabamian planter.

In the next onrush a man stumbled and came to his knees beside him. Not badly hurt, he was about to rise. Allan caught his arm. "For God's sake if you've got any water " The man, a tall Alabamian, looked down, nodded, jerked loose another U. S. canteen, and dropped it into the other's hand. "All right, all right not at all not at all " He ran on, joining the hoar and shouting wave.

John McMurrain, near Columbus, "Georgia Messenger," Aug. 2, 1838. "Ranaway, a boy named Moses, some of his front teeth out." Mr. John Kennedy, Stewart Co. La. "New Orleans Bee," April 7, 1837. "Ranaway, Sally, her fore teeth out." Mr. A.J. Hutchings, near Florence, Ala. "North Alabamian," August 25, 1838 "Ranaway, George Winston, two of his upper fore teeth out immediately in front." Mr.

Badger, having suffered only from torn clothing, received very little sympathy, while I got more than my share. I really believe that the blow I received was from her two hundred and forty pound body, though the Alabamian declares he saw the overturning buggy strike me as I fell. To her and others I am indebted for the repetition of many a remark that escaped me.

Howe that I was fired with the desire to rescue from darkness and obscurity the little Alabamian! I came here simply because circumstances made it necessary for me to earn my living, and I seized upon the first opportunity that offered itself, although I did not suspect nor did he, that I had any special fitness for the work. January 26, 1888. I suppose you got Helen's letter.

You think me a Virginian; I'm an Alabamian by birth, and was a Rebel three months ago." This confession startled his hearers, as he knew it would, for he had kept his secret well. Thorn laid his hand involuntarily upon his rifle, Dick drew off a little, and Flint illustrated one of his own expressions, for he "gawped."

The example of state pride set by the older States was not lost on the younger Southern States, and the Alabamian and the Mississippian lived in the same faith as did the stock from which they sprang; and the community of views, of interest, of social order, soon made a larger unit and prepared the way for a true nationality, and with the nationality a great conflict.

Beyond, I could do no more. Captain Lenair got inside, and several others lifted me up to him, and I sank motionless on the floor. All bade me good-bye, and my little Alabamian assured me that he was proud of having been the first to assist me. President Miller whispered to Mrs.