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It has been lately related that there was formerly a sovereign of the East who had three sons, the eldest of whom had heard some traveller describe a particular country where there was a bird called Bulbul al Syach, who transformed any passenger who came near him into stone.

He could not abide the philosophic exclusion from their natural theology of all that was racial and national and historic in religion, which was to him its very heart and innermost essence. In this attitude, too, we find an Arab prototype in the person of Al Gazali, who similarly attacked the philosophers on their own ground and found his consolation in the asceticism and mysticism of the Sufis.

"It isn't too big for you, Mr. Ford. It was too big for Colbrith, Magnus, et al. And, besides, you're not going to give it up. You'll drop off in Chicago, hunt up some meat-packer or other Croesus, and land your new railroad independently of the P. S-W."

But that was all, since Al was at that moment trailing Lorraine toward the Sawtooth. "We may as well eat," Swan suggested. "We'll get him, by golly, but we don't have to starve ourselves." "He wouldn't know we're after him," Lone agreed. "He'll stick around so as not to raise suspicion. And he might come back, most any time.

Howard bit his lip. Carr laughed. Then, seeing the look upon his friend's face, he grew grave immediately and put out his own hand, saying merely: 'We wondered what had become of you, Al. And now to have you come in from that direction and on foot! What's happened? 'A side-winder scared my horse into breaking its tie-rope and leaving me on foot.

Al Mason looked at Shinny and back at Loring. "Say! What is this?" he demanded. "O.K., O.K.," said Loring between clenched teeth. "So we've got a strike out in the deep, but one word outta line from you and I'll blast you with my heater!" "Not a word," said Shinny, "not a word. I'll only charge you a little to keep your secret." Mason looked at Loring. "How much?" he demanded.

I've tried to treat you like... like my brother, but hereafter I shall treat you like the thing that you are. Do you understand?" The anger in his voice was cold. The blaze in his eyes was cold. It was vastly more effective than any outburst, and Al cringed under it and under the clutching hand that was bruising his shoulder muscles.

And this same palace or City of Priests is compassed about by a massive wall. And in the center of the palace standeth the Temple, facing the sun which is the sacred place of al Quivera, Arche and Guyas. And the walls of this Temple are naught but precious Turquoise even to the height of forty feet or more, and the pillars thereof are of gold and silver alternate.

Well Al I will say good by again and good luck and now have got to quit and go to chow. Your pal to the last, JACK KEEFE. On the Ship Board, Jan. 24.

Al yanked hard on the bridle reins, then rode back and struck him sharply with his quirt before Snake would rouse himself enough to move forward. He went stiffly, reluctantly, pulling back until his head was held straight out before him. Al dragged him so for a rod or two, lost patience and returned to whip him forward again. "What a brute you are!" Lorraine exclaimed indignantly.