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"You saw the figure of Akhnaton just as people who lived in Syria saw the figure of Christ God's manifestation of Himself. Of course He understood our love and our happiness. His bowels of compassion yearn for His children. He is the spirit of Aton of God as manifested by Akhnaton." "You are to go, beloved, there is to be no holding you back.

"How could you have dreamed the very appearance of Akhnaton, or dreamed his personality, when you have never heard of him?" "I suppose I couldn't," she said. "But was Akhnaton unlike any other Pharaoh of Egypt?" "As unlike as St. Francis was to Nero." A sudden idea came to Margaret. "But," she said, "he spoke to me in English, in my own language.

"Here it is listen to this: 'The messengers have arrived at the City of the Horizon, as Akhnaton called his new capital, 'Their hearts are full of the agony of Syria. From the beleaguered cities which they had so lately left, there came to them the bitter cry for succour, and it was not possible to drown that cry in words of peace, nor in the jangle of the septrum or the warbling of pipes.

Do you wonder that Akhnaton prayed so ardently that his spirit might come out and see the sun?" Meg's head was buried in her hands. She was visualizing again the wonderful scene, which had taught her the mockery of all things which had formerly appeared so precious and important.

Unconsciously he desired that when he reached the gate which led into the Court of the Perfection of Peace, it would open, and strong arms would gather him up as they had gathered him up in the Libyan Desert, and drown his restlessness and doubts in their strength; that he might spend his future at rest under the shadow of the Everlasting Arms The God of Akhnaton, the God of Jesus, the God of Mohammed, His Arms encompass and enfold the world.

He told my husband the twofold reason of his wish to make the journey. He believes in the theory that there is a buried treasure in the hills beyond Tel-el-Amarna, where Akhnaton was buried, and I think he also wanted . . . what shall I say? . . . to find himself I suppose I must use that hackneyed phrase for want of a better to find himself in the desert. Wasn't that it?" "Yes.

She had hurt him; she felt a slight shrinking in his sympathy. "Don't speak of ghosts, Meg I hate the term, with all its cheapness and irreverence!" "Then you believe in visions? You are convinced that I have not dreamed all this?" "If it had been Freddy who had told me, I should have said that he had been asleep and dreamed it, because he knows all about Akhnaton.

Now that she knew about Akhnaton and his beautiful religion, which is the religion of all reasoning mortals to-day, and had read something of his life and mission, was it not quite probable that she was creating all that she had seen, that she was deceiving herself? It was still possible that she was dreaming. With nerves unstrung and a beating heart, she saw Michael appear.

Akhnaton had no doubt introduced them into his mother's tomb; she had shared his beliefs, which had not, of course, become extreme at the time of her death." "Truth never dies," Mike said. "His beautiful city was abandoned, his temples neglected and overthrown, his people again became the victims of the money-making, political priesthood of Amon-Ra.

Almost one thousand years before the impious King had reigned over Babylon Akhnaton had told the Egyptian people of the unspeakable goodness and loving-kindness of God, he had preached a religion which was to abolish all wars, which was to unite all nations under the banner of universal brotherhood. The Biblical handwriting on the wall had come into her thoughts for a good purpose.