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"It's I who wasn't friendly," she propounded to her father. "How much I've been losing. Though I still refuse to like that coffee!" She noticed the sign on the air-hose of the garage "Free Air." "There's our motto for the pilgrimage!" she cried. She knew the exaltation of starting out in the fresh morning for places she had never seen, without the bond of having to return at night.

But in certain places all the time and at others part of the time, wreckers have had to leave valuable wrecks a prey to the merciless sea because the ocean is too angry and the waves too high to permit of the safe handling of the air-hose and life-line of the divers who are depended upon to do all the under-water work, rigging of hoisting-tackle, placing of buoys, etc.

"If I bar the door," he mused, "that robber will cut the air-hose protecting the boys outside, if he has not already done so. I've just got to let him in here an' take chances." He hastened to the back of the room and brought a long coil of rope. Making a running noose in one end, he released several loops from the big coil and held them loosely in his hand.

It was early in the evening, and there was a moon, almost at the full. The depth at that point was not great, scarcely more than sixty feet. The pressure of the water overhead made walking rather difficult, and the boys were strange to the lines they were drawing after them, but they made good progress until they came to the end of the air-hose.

Still, he searched the bottom, as he passed along, with both hands and feet for any line which, leaving the stranger, might be leading to her rival. Finally he discovered, much to his annoyance, a hauling line and an air-hose leading in the direction he was going. "I'm afraid," he thought, "that Jimmie is in trouble."

Their lines and air-hose passed through the outer door in well-guarded openings, and the interior was as safe from intrusion as a walled-in fortress. Ned regretted that he had not observed the same precaution in leaving the Sea Lion, still he did not believe that his boat had been attacked.

Some force might be moving the water, and the motion might be conveying to his ears, through the thin sides of the air-hose, the story of the action of the waves, if waves could be created at that depth. As he listened to the steady beating he became convinced that some unknown power was at work in the wreck. What it was he could not even guess.

The man in there had disconnected his air-hose and would soon drown. But the brutality of such a course soon presented itself, and Jimmie cast about for some other method of meeting the dangerous situation. He could hear the visitor fumbling at the door, and wondered if he knew the secret of opening it.

Telegraphic reports at the time of the accident if it was an accident stated that she sank slowly. It would require only a little assistance to bring her to the surface." The boy made his way as far into the interior as he could with his comparatively short air-hose, and then turned back to where he had left Jack and Frank.

If the boat had continued on her course, the air-hose and the lifting line must both have been broken in a short time, as the boy's progress was stopped by the great weight of his terrifying foe. Then the end would have come instantly. The coil about the leg was drawing tighter now, and the boy was in considerable pain. Also the coils were ascending as the head of the sea monster swung around.