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While several cards have been taken on the cylinders showing a loss by friction of only 5 per cent., yet on the average the best practice shows a loss of 6 per cent. or an efficiency of 94 per cent. This result indicates an almost perfect proportion between power and resistance, and good workmanship in air-compressing machinery.

This action may be compared to that of a wet sponge from which, when compressed, a portion of the water is forced out, and when the sponge is allowed to expand, the water is drawn back. This effect is manifested by the increase of temperature in air-compressing machines, and the cold produced by allowing or forcing air to expand in air-cooling machines.

The air-compressing pendulum will no doubt be constructed on such a principle that, whenever there is any danger of its weighty movements getting beyond control or doing any damage to the vessel, its force can be instantly removed at will, and the apparatus can be brought to a standstill by the application of friction brakes and other means.

The rods which carry the air-compressing pistons are then connected to the end of the pendulum by universal joints, and the parts which have been likened to a gun-carriage are fixed on pivots so as to be able to move horizontally. Air-tight joints in the pipes which lead to the compressed air reservoir are placed in the bearings of this mounting.

The water which flooded the bottom of the cylinder arose from the voluminous injection; this water was pushed into the end of the cylinder and some of it escaped with the air through the discharge valve. These illustrations are interesting from an historical point of view, as indicating the line of thought which early designers of air-compressing machinery followed.

Counterpoise weights are also attached to such machines; the steam is allowed to follow full stroke, steam cylinders are placed at awkward angles to the air-compressing cylinders and the motion conveyed through yokes, toggles, levers; and many joints and other devices are used, many of which are entire failures, while some are used with questionable engineering skill and very poor results."

We hear of "magnificent air-compressing engines, the largest in the country," and pilgrimages are made to see these artificial wonders when, not unlike the old pyramids, they represent a pile of inert matter a monument to moneyed kings. The hydraulic piston compressor has one solitary advantage, and that is, it has no dead spaces.

They were dependent, now, on the air-compressing equipment whenever the air aboard became unfit to breathe. Wedged on either side of Jack Benson in that little conning tower stood the builder and the inventor. "You attend to the first submerging, Farnum," begged the inventor. "I I'm afraid I'm too nervous."

Another plan is to have the pendulum swung in a strong steel collar and carrying at its end three or more air-compressing pumps set radially, with the piston-rods thrust outwards by a strong spring on each, but with the ends perfectly free from any attachment, yet fitted with a buffer or wheel.

The deep red buildings of the Argonaut tunnel a great, criss-crossing hole through the hills that once connected with more than thirty mines and their feverish activities were denuded of their rust and lack of repair. The steam from the air-compressing engine, furnishing the necessary motive power for the drills that still worked in the hills, curled upward in billowy, rainbow-like coloring.