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After many a foray had gone forth against Ulad, crossing the level plains, it befell that Meave and Ailill her lord disputed between them as to which had the greatest wealth; nor would either yield until their most precious possessions had been brought and matched the one against the other.

Inviting the members of King Conor's court to dinner, Bricriu arranged that a contest should arise over who should have the "champion's portion," and so successful was he that, to avoid a bloody fight, the three heroes mentioned decided to submit their claims to the championship of Ireland to King Ailill of Connaught. Ailill put the heroes to an unexpected test.

The son of Lucta, the north Munster king, assembled his tribes at the Hill of Luchra, between the Shannon mouth and the Summit of Prospects. Ailill and Meave hosted the men of the west at Cruacan. Find, son of Ros, king over the Galian of Leinster, gathered his army at Dinn-Rig by the Barrow. Cairpré Nia Fer assembled his host about him at Tara, in the valley of the Boyne.

He went afterwards to Aradha-Cliach until he was in Iochtar-Cuillenn in Ui-Cuanach; and Ailill, son of Cathbadh, son of Lughaidh, of the Eoghanacht of Airther-Cliach, met him. And Ailill said: "I will believe if you resuscitate my son for me." Patrick commanded the boy's bones to be collected, and he directed a Céle-Dé of his people i.e., Malach Britt to resuscitate him.

It showed no further sign of fight, and at daybreak the magic beasts disappeared. As Laegire and Conall claimed that this test was an unfair one, Ailill sent the three rivals to Curoi of Kerry, a just and wise man, who set out to discover by wizardry and enchantments the best among the heroes.

Then Senca son of Ailill answered for the chieftains: "I give my word, indeed, that Erin holds not a soldier who lays his hand in the hand of a chieftain that is not known to me. If they be the men of Erin thy foes that are there, I shall ask a truce of battle from them; but if they be thy friends and allies, thou shalt the more rejoice."

Seeger read the piece at one of my Celtic Conferences, and was much impressed by it. He got from it only his title and the fundamental figure of a rendezvous with Death, the Irish poem being wholly different from his in general purport. Fothad Canainne makes a tryst with the wife of Ailill Flann, but is slain in battle by Ailill on the day before the night set for the meeting.

It showed no further sign of fight, and at daybreak the magic beasts disappeared. As Laegire and Conall claimed that this test was an unfair one, Ailill sent the three rivals to Curoi of Kerry, a just and wise man, who set out to discover by wizardry and enchantments the best among the heroes.

Patrick said: "The sons of Nadfraech, of sounding fame, Of them shall be kings and chieftains; Aengus, from the lands of Feimhen, And Ailill, his brother." And twenty-eight kings, of the race of Ailill and Aengus, reigned in Cashel, ordained with the crozier, until the time of Cenngegan. Patrick went after this to Muscraidhe-Breogain, and founded churches and establishments there.

"In that year Cairill met Emar of the Birds that are one white, one red, and one black and they loved, and from that love sprang Ailill their son.