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I'd dropped the stick to my side, and was goin' to lead him away, when Lucy's screech made me 'most crazy for a minute, and I didn't know rightly what I was doing. But 'twan't murder was in my heart. I'll swear to that! All I thought was to keep him off and see what ailded Lucy. It seemed so dumb queer to have her go fur me 'cause I was a-goin' to shet up her pa where he could cool off a bit!

What ailded him I don't know, and I ain't calling the turn, but nobody could get nothing out of him, I know that. I talk and talk. I slap him on the shoulder, and pull his leg and sing to him " "S-s-say it over," suggests the mascot. The widow cannot understand. "Why, don't you know, I was expecting him to fix me?" "Is it politics?" "That's what it is.

Pierce returned, she was astonished to see her patient sitting up in bed, with almost a flush on her cheeks, and a glad light in her eyes. "Lawful suz!" she cried in the doorway, "what have you done to her?" "Fed her," laughed Sara; "and I have been helping her to take my prescriptions, you see. Won't you join us?" "Well, I'm beat! Thank you guess I will. Was that all't ailded her jest hunger?"

My feet happen to be clean, for I washed them in the watering trough this mornin’. How d’ye leave my gals?" "They are well," answered Mr. Miller, "or rather Julia is, and Fanny is improving every day." "I’ve often wondered," said Mr. Middleton, "what ’twas ailded Sunshine when she was sick.

There was little satisfaction in Bradley's slow, formal answer: "Some's got it one way and some's got it another, Kate. I can't rightly say what ailded him or when he died 'n' I guess nobody else can, f'r sure. Some says he got shot; some says he was drownded 'a' las' Tuesday night in the Crazy Woman; some says they's been a fight nobody's heard of yit, 't' all.

"It's too bad," Henley ventured, as nearly upon what he considered consolation as his knowledge of her rather questionable bereavement would justify. "What was his complaint?" "You mean, what ailded him?" Dixie asked, an incongruous flush battling with the pallor of her face and becoming observable even in the starlight.