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"No, you don't!" bellowed Jones, getting in the way and making grabs at the whip. "Not with my own private persuader! Get aholt of him, men! Down him. Don't let him whale the representative we're going to send from the town of Egypt!" That declared hint of what was afoot put the last touch on Tasper Britt's fury. He fought savagely to force his way through the men.

She'll go purty soon she's as full of holes as th' Bad Lan's," replied Johnny. "Git aholt an' hop along, Hopalong." He helped the swearing Hopalong inside, and then the lead they pumped into the wrecked door was scandalous. Another panel fell in and Hopalong's "C" was destroyed. A wide crack appeared in the one above it and grew rapidly. Its mate began to gape and finally both were driven in.

"I ain't a quitter." "He don't know enough to let go," said Mintie. "I could earn good money with my uncle in Los Angeles County. He wants me." Mintie tossed her head. "If he wants you, the sooner you skin outer this the better." "Uncle's well fixed," said Smoky, "and an old bach. He wants a live young man to take aholt with his ranch, and a live young woman to run the shebang. If I was married !"

They do say, too, that he roars like forty devils with their tails cut off when he gits mad an’ some say as when he wants t’ git som wha’ in a hurry he jest grabs aholt o’ the feet o’ tha’ there thunder bird and she flies off with him and draps him anywha’ he asks her toNope, I hain’t seen none of these things myself but others say they has, an’ believe me, I’m plumb cautious when travelin’ these parts alone.

"You see, de trouble is I done had my eye on Pete's chillen ever sence dey mammy died, an' ef dey ever was a set o' onery, low-down, sassy, no-'count little niggers dat need takin' in hand by a able-bodied step-mammy, dey a-waitin' fur me right yonder in Pete's cabin. My hand has des nachelly itched to take aholt o' dat crowd many a day an' ever sence I buried Numa of co'se I see de way was open.

Collar the leather, youngun. Roun wi the nappy. Here, Jock braw Hielentman's your barleybree. Lang may your lum reek and your kailpot boil! My tipple. Merci. Here's to us. How's that? Leg before wicket. Don't stain my brandnew sitinems. Give's a shake of peppe, you there. Catch aholt. Caraway seed to carry away. Twig? Shrieks of silence. Every cove to his gentry mort. Venus Pandemos.

I know you didn't do it," she said, so that all might hear, "and if you still want me, Abner, like you said, I'll stick by you through thick and thin." "Thank ye, Mary," Abner replied. "Now I guess you better go away." "What shall I do, Abner to help you?" "Nothing Mary. Looks like God's took aholt of matters. Better let him finish 'em in his own way."

"Oh, Hivins, Maria! That was the awfullest minute I ever lived through. Poor old E. G. W. S.! We all turned away from him, out of pity. He had the expression of a man that's fell down a hundred-foot prospect hole and been struck by lightning before he touched bottom. He grabbed aholt of the minister and swallered and swallered, unable to chirp. "At last he rallied.

"Right under yer nose, Tom," said the framer quietly. "Here they are, lads. Git up thim skids! Now thin, fer the sills. Grab aholt, min, they're not hot! All togither-r-r heave! Togither-r-r heave! Once more, heave! Walk her up, boys! Walk her up! Come on, Angus! Where's yer porridge gone to? Move over, two av ye! Don't take advantage av a little man loike that!" Angus was just six feet four.

Blest ef he ain't hired a whole row o' little niggers to stand out in front of 'is sto'e an' hold horses while he takes his customers inside to fleece 'em. "Come here, Pop-Eyes, you third feller, an' ketch aholt o' Jinny's bridle. I always did like pop-eyed niggers. They look so God-forsaken an' ugly.