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LÍPOCHKA weeps louder and then sobs. AGRAFÉNA KONDRÁTYEVNA. I tell you, that'll do! I'm talking to you; stop it! Well, it's my fault; only do stop it's my fault! LÍPOCHKA weeps. AGRAFÉNA KONDRÁTYEVNA. Lipochka! Lipa! You buy me some bracelets with emeralds. AGRAFÉNA KONDRÁTYEVNA. I will, I will, only please stop crying! AGRAFÉNA KONDRÁTYEVNA. You'll get married, my darling; you will!

The same and USTÍNYA NAÚMOVNA Why do you have such a steep staircase, my jewels? You climb, and climb, and much as ever you get there! LÍPOCHKA. Oh, here she is! How are you, Ustinya Naúmovna? USTÍNYA NAÚMOVNA. Don't get in a hurry! There's people older than you. How did you feel when you got up? How did you pass the night? All alive, my precious? AGRAFÉNA KONDRÁTYEVNA. Thank the Lord!

So, taking that into consideration, Ivan Fyodorovitch, reflect that then neither Dmitri Fyodorovitch nor yourself and your brother, Alexey Fyodorovitch, would have anything after the master’s death, not a rouble, for Agrafena Alexandrovna would marry him simply to get hold of the whole, all the money there is.

AGRAFÉNA KONDRÁTYEVNA. What are you listening to him for? What sort of a clown is coming? He's just talking to hear himself talk. BOLSHÓV. I told you that he was coming; and I usually know what I'm talking about. AGRAFÉNA KONDRÁTYEVNA. If anybody were actually coming, then you'd be talking sense; but you keep saying he's coming, he's coming, but God knows who it is that's coming.

He was always pestering Agrafena Alexandrovna, and I was jealous; I thought then that she was hesitating between me and him.

I'm ready to give away my whole soul for you, and by no means to do anything tricky. You're getting on in years; Agraféna Kondrátyevna is a very gentle lady; Olimpiáda Samsónovna is an accomplished young lady, and of suitable years; and you've got to spend some thought on her. But now such are the circumstances; there's no knowing what may come of all this. BOLSHÓV. Well, what could come of it?

Everything seems mixed up in a sort of tangle. I am afraid you are so bored you will jump up and run away, and that will be all I shall see of you. Goodness! Why are we sitting here and no coffee? Yulia, Glafira, coffee!” Alyosha made haste to thank her, and said that he had only just had coffee. “Where?” “At Agrafena Alexandrovna’s.” “At ... at that woman’s?

Shall I lick her hands, or bow down to her feet? Fine circus, I must say! I've seen something more elegant than that. AGRAFÉNA KONDRÁTYEVNA. But what have you seen? No matter what; but this is your daughter, your own child, you man of stone! BOLSHÓV. What if she is my daughter? Thank God she has shoes, dresses, and is well fed what more does she want? AGRAFÉNA KONDRÁTYEVNA. What more!

Before the end of the fast of St. Peter, Agrafena Ivanovna Belova, a country neighbor of the Rostovs, came to Moscow to pay her devotions at the shrines of the Moscow saints. She suggested that Natasha should fast and prepare for Holy Communion, and Natasha gladly welcomed the idea.

I came here to find a wicked soul—I felt drawn to evil because I was base and evil myself, and I’ve found a true sister, I have found a treasure—a loving heart. She had pity on me just now.... Agrafena Alexandrovna, I am speaking of you. You’ve raised my soul from the depths.” Alyosha’s lips were quivering and he caught his breath.