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"The doctor's came, Sister," said a woman standing by Aggie's door. Then Glory entered the room. The poor disordered place was lit by a cheap lamp, which threw splashes of light and left tracts of shadow. John lay on the bed, muttering words that were inaudible. His coat and waistcoat had been removed, and his shirt was open at the neck.

We sat petrified, and Aggie's eyes were starting out of her head. "All the trimmings," he went on, staring at the fire. "Innocent and unsuspecting tourists, lunch, laughter, boiled coffee, and cold ham. Ambush. The whole business followed by highwaymen in flannel shirts and revolvers. Dead tourist or two, desperate resistance everything." Aggie rose, pale as an aspen.

Us boys have been getting up a sleigh- ride for Saturday afternoon; we shall start about three o'clock from the schoolhouse, and get back to Aggie's in time for the party. Will you go? I am sure aunt Betsey will feel grateful to you girls when she knows you each gave twenty cents towards making her comfortable, and if it had not been for the "lack of money," we boys would have paid our share.

In the course of the night one of the horses broke loose and put its head inside the tent. Owing to Aggie's thinking it was a bear, Tish shot at it, fortunately missing it. But the frightened animal ran away, and Bill was until noon the next day finding it. We cooked our own breakfast, and Tish made some gems, having brought the pan along. But the morning dragged, although the scenery was lovely.

After a few perfectly legal breach-of-promise suits, due to Aggie's winsome innocence of demeanor, had been settled advantageously out of court, Mary devised a scheme of greater elaborateness, with the legal acumen of the lawyer to endorse it in the matter of safety. This netted thirty thousand dollars.

He said his wife hadn't seen you for an age. Why don't you go and look her up?" Aggie was silent. "You can't expect her to be always running after you." "I can't run after her, I assure you. I haven't the strength." "You used," he said, reproachfully, "to be strong enough." Aggie's mouth twisted into a blanched, unhappy smile a smile born of wisdom and of patience and of pain.

Hutchins baked hot biscuits; and, by putting a cover over the pan, we were enabled to get them to him before they cooled. We prepared a really appetizing luncheon of hot biscuits, broiled ham, marmalade, and tea, adding, at Aggie's instructions, a jar of preserved peaches, which she herself had put up.

Tish is an extraordinary woman. She did not say a word. She sat still and let the smile get in its work. Its first effect was on Aggie's neck, which she forgot. Tufik's timid eyes rested for a moment on Tish and brightened. Then like a benediction they turned to mine, and came to a stop on Aggie. He took a step farther into the room. "My friend's friend are my friend," he said.

"I have been thinking over what you said, ma'am, and it may be that you are right, and that I have partly misjudged the squire. I hope so, for Aggie's sake, and yet I cannot help feeling sorry. I have always felt almost sure he would have nothing to say to her, and I have clung to the hope that I should not lose my little girl.

"When you say, dearest, that we don't know what to 'do' with Aggie's cleverness, do you quite allow for the way we bow down before it and worship it? I don't quite see what else we in here can do with it, even though we HAVE gathered that, just over there, Petherton's finding for it a different application. We can only each in our way do our best.