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In certain seeds of grass there was 32 per cent. of gains of sand, coloured so as to Receive even an experienced eye; other samples contained from 52 to 22 per cent. only of pure seed, the remainder being weeds. A. Baudrillart, l.c. p. 309. Originally one grower would undertake to supply water, and several others would agee to make use of it.

In England many are the tales of scandal that have been related of the Consul and all his family: I don't believe them. A lady told me it was "vraiment extraordinaire qu'un jeune homme comme lui ait de moeurs si exemplaires et d'ailleurs on ne s'attend pas qu'un homme soit fidele a une femme qui est plus agee que lui: mais si agee aussi!

"Elle," c'est la souveraine: "accorde, ô Dieu! qu'en devenant plus âgée elle soit faite un homme nouveau, et que dans toutes les causes de justice elle marche en avant de son peuple comme un bélier dans les montagnes." Que de métamorphoses, grand Dieu! Et enfin, pour ne pas sortir de la théologie. C'est aux examens de l'Université. "Qu'est-ce que la foi?

It is several days since I wrote to you, and many more since I received a letter from you. That from Fayetteville is still the last. "Gamble's" protegee could not be found. You will probably gain by the exchange. That whom I shall send you is a good, steady-looking animal, agee vingt trois. From appearance, she has been used to count her beads and work hard, and never thought of love or finery.

It is several days since I wrote to you, and many more since I received a letter from you. That from Fayetteville is still the last. "Gamble's" protegee could not be found. You will probably gain by the exchange. That whom I shall send you is a good, steady-looking animal, agee vingt trois. From appearance, she has been used to count her beads and work hard, and never thought of love or finery.

Iverything had gone agee that day: butter wouldn't coom, Snowball had kicked ower the pail while I was milking her, and, atop o' all that, there was grandfather wi' his fratching ways. "I were sat cowered ower the fire, wi' my face buried in my hands, when my man came in and axed what were wrang wi' me.

Then suddenly changing her tone to that of the most piteous entreaty, she added, "O gar them let me gang to cut her down! let me but cut her down! she is my mother, if she was waur than the deil, and she'll be nae mair kenspeckle than half-hangit Maggie Dickson,* that cried saut mony a day after she had been hangit; her voice was roupit and hoarse, and her neck was a wee agee, or ye wad hae kend nae odds on her frae ony other saut-wife."

The knaves go all agee when both my lord and myself have our backs turned, and my lad bairns worth a dozen of yon whining maid should no longer be left to old Cuthbert Ridley and Nurse. Now the Queen and Somerset have their way 'tis all misrule, and who knows what the Scots may do?" "There are Nevils and Dacres enough between Whitburn and the Border," observed the Earl gravely.

Mary Hunley married Gen. E.W. Martin, of Alabama. Annie Hunley married Alfred Agee, Esq., of Alabama. Descendants of Dr. C.L. Hunter and Sophia G. Forney, were: 1. Capt. George William Hunter, mortally wounded in the battle at Chancellorsville, Va. Sophia F. Hunter married John H. Sharp, Esq., of Norfolk, Va.

It is true that ministers and members of these churches were leaders in this community enterprise, but the churches as organizations were not a part of it, although its purposes are purely Christian. Prof. Alva Agee insists that "The country church does not serve the community's needs as the community sees those needs."