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"They'll try to do the bossing even afterr they'rre licked. Treaties! They've got theirr firrst taste of a Yankee treaty, hey? Didn't even have a sworrd and wanted me to think they werre doin' us a favorr! President Wilson knows how to handle that bunch, all right, all right! Don't row if you'rre tirred." "It don't hurt my leg to row, only I see now I couldn't swim it."

I knew it!" and then hugged her and kissed her, and passed her to the little lean dark old man next her. "This is fatherr. I knew you couldn't tell us, because I take afterr him, and Georrge is exactly like motherr."

"We got plenty of time to think it out," Tom answered doggedly, "'cause we'll be in the woods a couple of days and nights and that's where thoughts come to you." "We'd be big fools, afterr gettin' all the way down to the frontierr to cross the riverr and go huntin' forr a road in broad daylight," said Archer; "we'd only get caught." "Well, we'll get caught then," retorted Tom.

"I always said I had no use for geographies except to put mustaches and things on the North Pole explorers and high hats on Columbus and Henry Hudson, but, believe me, I'm glad I remembered about those pearrl-bearing mussels hey, Slady? I hope the Alpine natives don't take it into their heads to come up herre afterr any of 'em just now. I just rooted around in the mud and got 'em.

"You ain't afraid there's something else the matter with the engine, after all, are you?" Archer asked, anxiously. "I don't want this whole bunch guyin' me afterr the petition, and all." "It's the way I said," said Tom dully. "Not sore 'cause they've been kiddin' us, are you? You can't blame 'em fer that; they've got nothin' else to do. Look at Columbus, how they guyed him and all.