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These 3 ships were fraught with wine and Sallet-oile from Siuil. The same day our Carauel chased a Spanish Carauel to shore at S. Michael, which caried letters thither, by which we learned that the Caraks were departed from Tercera 8 dayes before. The 14 of August we came to the Iland of Flores, where we determined to take in some fresh water and fresh victuals, such as the Iland did affoord.

"There's some things, my lord,'at can better affoord to come oot i' the dark nor the licht," replied Grizzle. His lordship said nothing in rejoinder, but kept looking every now and then towards the door of the milk-cellar whether solely in anxiety for the appearance of the magnum, may be doubtful.

"Na, na, my lord; there 's nae need. I canna affoord it forbye. We 're no a' made o' siller like yer lordship." "You booby! do you suppose I would tell you to order clothes I did not mean to pay for?" Lady Florimel found her expectation of amusement not likely to be disappointed. "Hoots, my lord!" returned Malcolm, "that wad never du. I maun pey for my ain claes.

They may weel affoord se'enteen hunner linen to set it aff wi' 'at has naething but coaton inside the breeks o' them. 'But Dr. Wagstaff says it's healthier, interposed Peddie. 'I'll wag a staff till him. De'il a bit o' 't 's healthier! an' that he kens. It's nae sae healthy, an' sae it mak's him mair wark wi' 's poothers an' his drauchts, an' ither stinkin' stuff. Healthier! What neist?

Conspiracie by the custome of their countrie was a capitall offence, and what custome or iustice might affoord they should be all sure to feele.

And some Ladies make a better shew of their countenances in those dances, wherein are divers changes, cuttings, turnings, and agitations of the body, than in some dances of state and gravity, where they need but simply to tread a naturall measure, represent an unaffected cariage, and their ordinary grace; And as I have also seene some excellent Lourdans, or Clownes, attired in their ordinary worky-day clothes, and with a common homely countenance, affoord us all the pleasure that may be had from their art: but prentises and learners that are not of so high a forme, besmeare their faces, to disguise themselves, and in motions counterfeit strange visages and antickes, to enduce us to laughter.

Eagerly I replide after his long suppliant oration; Though I knewe God would neuer haue mercie on mee except I had mercie on thee, yet of thee no mercie would I haue. Reuenge in our tragedies continually is raised from hell: of hell doo I esteeme better than heauen, if it affoord me reuenge. There is no heauen but reuenge.

That worthy had been sent to China in advance of the party of divers with his wife and baby for in the event of success he said he'd be able to "affoord it," and in the event of failure he meant to try his luck in "furrin' parts," and would on no account leave either wife or chick behind him. On his arrival a double misfortune awaited him.

'Twas a divvle iv a risky job to be a pathrite in thim days, an' none but those that had no wan dipindint on thim cud affoord it. But what was th' use? Ireland wint on bein' th' same opprissed green oil it had always been, an' th' on'y difference th' rivolutions made was ye sa-aw new faces on th' bridges an' th' Wolfe Tones passed another set iv resolutions. "'Tis different now.

"Ay, weel eneuch. Only I wad sair like a bittie o' can'le," was Annie's trembling reply, for she had a sad foreboding instinct now. "Can'le! Na, na, bairn," answered Mrs Bruce. "Ye s' get no can'le here. I canna affoord can'les. There's thirteen steps to the firs, and twal to the neist." With choking heart, but without reply, Annie went.