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We may doubtless be able to supply some apt quotation from Virgil or Martial. It is quite a different thing remembering, and collating, references in. Aelian or Pliny or Aristotle or Ptolemy. And wide awake, withal; not easily imposed upon. He is not of the kind to swallow the tales of the then fashionable cicerone's.

March, 52. 'A Collection of Stories and Examples, like those of Valerius Maximus. Jan. 10, 53. 'From Aelian, a volume of select Stories, perhaps from others. Jan. 28,-53. 'Collection of Travels, Voyages, Adventures, and Descriptions of Countries. 'Dictionary of Ancient History and Mythology.

The eagle being the associate of Etana, the suspicion is justified that the child thus miraculously saved is in reality Etana and not Gilgamesh. At all events, there must be some connection between the story of Aelian and the Babylonian legend under consideration.

These names were borne also by the son; but, after his adoption into the AElian family, he was generally known by the appellation of AElius Verus. The scandal of those times imputed his adoption to the worst motives. It was, therefore, a mere ad interim adoption; for it is certain, however we may choose to explain that fact, that Hadrian foresaw and calculated on the early death of AElius.

Then setting spurs to his horse, he passed through freely, his horse not fearing nor being anything affrighted at the sight of the dead bodies; for he had accustomed him, according to the doctrine of Aelian, not to fear armour, nor the carcasses of dead men; and that not by killing men as Diomedes did the Thracians, or as Ulysses did in throwing the corpses of his enemies at his horse's feet, as Homer saith, but by putting a Jack-a-lent amongst his hay, and making him go over it ordinarily when he gave him his oats.

This was likewise the custom of the Troglodytae, a people bordering upon Aethiopia who, according to Aelian, lived in subterranean caverns; from whence, indeed they took their name trogli, signifying a cavern; and Virgil, in his Georgics, thus describes the Sarmatae, Ipsi in defossis specubus, secura sub alta Ocia agunt terra.

The introduction of the eagle points clearly to the mythological character of the tale, but flights of eagles occur so frequently in the myths and legends of various nations that no great stress is to be laid upon further parallels that might be adduced. The story found in Aelian and which has already been referred to alone calls for mention here.

But we shall attempt to expound a powerful system of hygiene, which will enable you to put out the flame when your chimney takes fire. We will leave to Aelian his herb hanea and to Sterne the purslane and cucumber which indicate too plainly his antiphlogistic purpose.

As for thy drink I need not tell thee, it must be the infusion of Vervain and the herb Hanea, of which Aelian relates such effects but if thy stomach palls with it discontinue it from time to time, taking cucumbers, melons, purslane, water-lillies, woodbine, and lettice, in the stead of them. There is nothing further for thee, which occurs to me at present

It is the English experience that among coursing-dogs and race-horses there is no serious sexual inequality. Aelian says that Semiramis did not exult when in the chase she captured a lion, but was proud when she took a lioness, the dangers of the feat being far greater.