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But the way to the sea was long, and there were many shallow places; and Loki had doubts as to how old AEgir would receive him in his kingdom. He feared greatly to undertake so dangerous and uncertain a course. So, turning upon his foes, and calling up all his strength, he made a tremendous leap high into the air, and clean over the net. But Thor was too quick for him.

He sought the halls of old AEgir, the Ocean-king; but he wist not which way to go, whether across the North Sea towards Isenland, or whether along the narrow channel between Britain-land and the main. While he paused, uncertain where to turn, he saw the pale-haired daughters of old AEgir, the white-veiled Waves, playing in the moonlight near the shore. Of them he asked the way to AEgir's hall.

Thor stepped aside; and the frightened culprit fled from the hall, and was soon out of sight. The feast was broken up. The folk bade AEgir a kind farewell, and all embarked on Frey's good ship Skidbladner; and fair winds wafted them swiftly home to Asgard. Loki fled to the dark mountain gorges of Mist Land, and sought for a while to hide himself from the sight of both gods and men.

The present kaiser's principal contribution to music is undoubtedly his composition of the melody to the "Sang am Aegir," a poem of considerable power by his friend Count Philipp Eulenburg. The words may be rendered as: "Of Aegir, Lord of the Waves, Whom mermaids and mermen revere." The bars that follow rivet the attention of the listener on account of their weird originality.

Higher considerations have to teach us that the God Wish is not the true God. Curious; that word surviving, like the peak of a submerged world! The oldest Nottingham bargemen had believed in the God Aegir.

He sought the halls of old Aegir, the Ocean-king; but he wist not which way to go whether across the North Sea towards Isenland, or whether along the narrow channel between Britain land and the main. While he paused, uncertain where to turn, he saw the pale-haired daughters of old Aegir, the white-veiled Waves, playing in the moonlight near the shore. Of them he asked the way to Aegir's hall.

On a day in early autumn Queen Ran, with her older daughters, Raging Sea, Breaker, Billow, Surge, and Surf, went out to search for plunder. But old AEgir staid at home, and with him his younger daughters, fair Purple-hair, gentle Diver, dancing Ripple, and smiling Sky-clear.

Us Aegir granted Grudging, to Gondul, Doomed to die dry-shod, Daring the foe." Whereat the hearts of the men were much cheered.

One day, as they were sailing through these quiet waters, beneath the overhanging cliffs, Bragi tuned his harp, and sang a song of sea. And then he told Siegfried a story of AEgir and his gold-lit hall. Old AEgir was the Ocean-king. At most times he was rude and rough, and his manners were uncouth and boisterous.

Then I saw the ships before me. I was swimming in a circle, my right arm mastering the left, I suppose. That told me how weary I was, if I had not known it to the full before. At that moment the song, which was close to me, stopped, and a fiery arm rose from a wave top against the sky, and seemed to hail me. "Ho, Wilfrid! have you had enough yet? By Aegir himself, you are a fine swimmer!"