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A half-hour later, when the women left the table, Betty had the satisfaction of knowing that whatever the final result of her venture, her stand was as fully recognized as if she had written a book and found a publisher and critics to advertise her.

"Them people which they already got designers could always find a better one, y'understand, but when you ain't got a designer, Harry, that's something else again. You could advertise until you are blue in the face, and all the answers you get is from fellers which they couldn't design a sausage casing for a frankfurter already." "Schmooes, Mawruss!" Harry cried.

Almost all cities and many of the smaller towns have ordinances which if enforced would afford adequate protection from flies, but they are seldom if ever rigidly enforced and it yet remains for some enterprising town to be able to advertise itself as a "speckless town" as well as a "spotless town." In a recent important bulletin issued by the Bureau of Entomology, Dr.

The way to advertise the sins of Capital is to have Capital tell them. Employers and capitalists can attract twenty times as much attention in telling things that are the matter with them, and will be believed forty times as much. And they not only can tell the facts against themselves more fairly, but while they are telling the facts against themselves they are in a position to change them.

Is it probable that, in a town like this, where talent is so abundanthungry talent too—a bookseller can advertise for a tale or a novel, without being supplied with half a dozen in twenty-four hours? I may as well fling down my pen—I am writing to no purpose. And these thoughts came over my mind so often, that at last, in utter despair, I flung down the pen.

They think that is being a stenographer, when it is merely a symptom of a stenographer. They mangle the language, grammar, spelling, capitalization and punctuation. Their eyes are on the clock, their minds on the movies. Nine out of ten workmen cannot be trusted to do what they advertise to do, because they have never gone south far enough to become efficient.

"Oh," said the Mistress, with a sigh of renunciation, "I suppose we'll have to advertise it; and watch the 'Lost and Found' columns, too. But wouldn't it be glorious if nobody should see our advertisement or or ever advertise for it? It's so lovely! I hate to think it may belong to somebody who can't appreciate it as I do."

"Yes, we'll bring Splash," said Bunny. "And I'll bring my kitten," offered Charlie. "And we'll come and help you sell things!" laughed Sue. "We like it, don't we?" she asked the boys, and of course they said they did. The first attempt of Bunny and Sue to advertise Mrs. Golden's store had been very successful.

To praise the South was to praise himself; to boast of its valor was to advertise his own intrepidity; to extol its women was to enhance the glory of his own achievements in the lists of love; to vaunt its chivalry was to avouch his own honor; to laud its greatness was to extol himself. He measured himself with his Northern compeer, and decided without hesitation in his own favor.

In a seaside home last Christmas there was a sorrowing wife, who mourned over the basest desertion of her husband. Wandering from place to place drinking, he had left her to struggle alone with four little ones dependent upon her exertions. Knowing her distress, the captain of the corps wrote begging us to advertise for the man in the Cry.