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The town of Adria, which lies between the Po and the Adige, at the distance of some four or five miles from each, was once a harbor famous enough to have given its name to the Adriatic Sea, and it was still accessible to large vessels, if not by the open sea at least by lagoons, in the time of Augustus.

At their head were Cardinal Ippolito and five other members of the ducal house; his brothers, Don Ferrante and Don Sigismondo; also Niccolò Maria d'Este, Bishop of Adria; Meliaduse d'Este, Bishop of Comacchio; and Don Ercole, a nephew of the duke.

"We are in the East!" he said. "Can't you smell it? I feel I am going home. You are in the East so soon as you cross Adria." He added tentatively: "People don't understand. When you go back to England they say, 'How glad you must be to get home! They made me spend most of my leave on a house-boat on the Thames, and of all the infernal things. ... "I laughed.

The mountains to the right are the Rumija, behind whose naked comb is the deep blue Adria, and which we must climb to reach the port of Antivari. The lake is dotted at the near end with islands, distinguishable amongst which is a conical-shaped hill crowned by a fortress. That is Žabljak, the whilom capital of Crnagora, and home of its ancient rulers, the Black Prince dynasty.

"And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbors, saying unto them, Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost." "And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still." "As we were driven up and down in Adria, about midnight the shipmen deemed that they drew near to some country."

On the other wall, opposite to the Adria, was the Island of Candia, wherein was to be seen Jove being suckled by the Goat, with many Nymphs around. Beside this, and opposite to the Drava, were the River Tagliamento and the Mountains of Cadore.

An Italian aeroplane dropped five large bombs on the floating hangars at Trieste, with excellent results. On December 4, 1916, Austrian aircraft dropped a few bombs on Adria and Monfalcone without doing any damage. On the Tigris front, during the same day, December 4, 1916, Turkish aeroplanes bombed successfully British camps.

The ceremony began with the reading of the mandate of the Duke of Ferrara, after which the Bishop of Adria delivered the wedding sermon, which the Pope, however, commanded to be cut short. A table was placed before him, and by it stood Don Ferrante as his brother's representative and Donna Lucretia.

The combined action of the two rivers has so advanced the coast-line that Adria is now more than fourteen miles inland, and, in other places, the deposits made within the same period by these and other neighboring streams have a width of twenty miles.

Adria! shroud thyself in mists; let the veil of thy widowhood shroud thy form, and clothe in the weeds of woe the mausoleum of thy bridegroom the marble, spectral Venice." "I looked down upon a great theatre," said the Moon. "The house was crowded, for a new actor was to make his first appearance that night.