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They in a mild way instituted a Stanton cult, as a minor interest in lives already richly full, and when more weighty matters did not interfere, Mrs. Frostwinch, in varying degrees of enthusiasm, could be charming in her praises of the sculptor, whom she designated as "adorably ursine," and of his work, which in turn, she termed "irresistibly insistent," whatever that might mean.

"Why it's the baby!" cried Fanny, and swung her out of the nurse's protesting arms. Such a German-looking baby. Such an adorably German-looking baby. "Du kleine, du!" Fanny kissed the roseleaf cheek. "Du suszes " She turned suddenly to Theodore. "Olga where's Olga?" "She did not come." Fanny tightened her hold of the little squirming bundle in her arms. "Didn't come?"

The light was perfect evenly distributed, clear enough to permit accuracy of distance in a stroke. The air was still, gently bracing, and, like most Irish air, adorably sweet. The spot chosen for the fight was a sort of avenue between great trees, whose broad leaves warded off the direct sun, and whose shade had as yet no black shadows. The turf was as elastic to the foot as a firm mattress.

"And now," he said presently, sitting down a few feet from her, "just tell me who you are and what in the world prompts you to worship, so adorably, that hideous brute over there?" Between fourteen and twenty lies a chasm of age and experience that ensures patronage to one and dependence to the other.

What made the situation easier was the presence of several new guests, women, friends of Dick and her, come for a couple of days. Next morning, in the music room, he encountered them and Paula at the piano. "Don't you sing, Mr. Graham?" a Miss Hoffman asked. She was the editor of a woman's magazine published in San Francisco, Graham had learned. "Oh, adorably," he assured her. "Don't I, Mrs.

I was vastly amused, but Tony actually took you seriously, and he has been the most adorably devoted lover ever since. I am half inclined to suspect that you must have given Tony some lessons in love-making!" Don Carlos flashed a searching glance at her, and his smile faded.

At least she would have thanked him in some way. She would not have appeared quite so adorably cold-blooded, quite so sweetly unconscious of the fact that he was dying. If McTrigger's freedom had meant anything to her, she could not have done less than reveal to him a bit of sympathy. And her greatest compliment, if he excepted the kiss, was that she had called him a splendid liar!

I think she likes Joe better than she cares to admit see the touch of coquettishness where she says 'It will be precious, won't it? And how adorably she teases him in those four crosses marked 'These are from Fred. Gad, I'm jealous of Joe already! Fred. I think he's the older brother; probably recently left the 'varsity; a friend of Joe's, perhaps. Charlie is one of the younger brothers.

No, I shall not go to Cannes, in spite of a strong temptation! Imagine, I received a little box filled with flowers gathered out- doors, five or six days ago; for the package followed me to Paris and to Palaiseau. Those flowers are adorably fresh, they smell sweetly, they are as pretty as anything. Ah! to go, go at once to the country of the sun. But I have no money, and besides I have no time.

This room was planned for the guests of the daughter of the house, so the furnishings were naively and adorably feminine. The dressing-table was made of a long, low box, with a glass top and a valance so crisp and flouncing that it suggested a young lady in crinoline. The valance was of chintz in gentian blue and white. The white mirror frame was decorated with little blue lines and tendrils.