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Ruth might or might not be to some extent genuine in her belief in the new system, but her chief motive for giving it her support was something quite different. He had tried not to admit to himself, but he could do so no longer. Ruth allowed Mrs. Porter to have her way because it suited her to do so; because, with Mrs.

"But our office never made you that promise before, Miss Verriner." The woman let her eyes rest on his impassive face. "That's true, I admit. But I must also admit I know Jim Blake. We 'd better not come together again, Blake and me, after this week." She was pulling off her gloves as she spoke. She suddenly threw them down on the table.

"Now, are geologists prepared to admit that, at some time within the last 20,000 years, there has been all over the earth so high a temperature as that? I presume not; no geologist no modern geologist would for a moment admit the hypothesis that the present state of underground heat is due to a heating of the surface at so late a period as 20,000 years ago.

God cannot become man more especially than He can become other living forms, any more than we can be our eyes more especially than any other of our organs. The utmost we can admit is, that some embodiments of the Spirit of Life may be more important than others to the welfare of Life as a whole, in the same way as some of our organs are more important than others to ourselves.

At first I thought that the level of my meditation had dropped. Intuitively, though, I knew that that was not the case." I could not believe what was happening. I had never heard Atmananda criticize his our beloved Guru. Still, I had to admit that his intuition was usually correct.

"Lillo is a genius that we must all admit," he said indulgently, as though condoning a friend's weakness; "but he has an unfortunate temperament. He has been denied the gift so precious to an artist of perceiving the ideal.

If you see him again I shall wash my hands of the case. When he first came you felt better at once in fact, I admit that you seemed to do better both in body and mind. But the thing could not last. It was a false stimulus, and when the first effects had passed away, it left you in this condition. Mr. Cumberland, you must see him no more!" But Joe Cumberland laughed long and softly.

Admit, then, madame, and you, too, Madame d'Hudicourt, that there is an exaggeration in your sorrow, and that you would have made, both of you, two excellent comedians." Madame de Maintenon, piqued at these last words, sought to make us understand, and even make us admit, that there is a great difference between an event narrated to you by a third party, and an event which one has seen.

"My father," he said, "like my brother, Cetewayo, I await your word. Whatever you may have said to the Amabunu in haste or fear, I do not admit that Cetewayo was ever proclaimed your heir in the hearing of the Zulu people.

Asher was bound to admit, when she took time to think upon the subject, that Olive treated her exactly as if she had been a dear old schoolmate, and not at all as her father's wife. This made things very pleasant and easy at that time, she thought, although it might have to be corrected a little after a while.