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'Dirige et sanctificare, etc., 'Vouchsafe to direct and sanctify our senses, words and actions, etc. Structure:-i. Pater, Ave, Credo, silently. 2. Deus in adjutorium. ... Domine ad adjuvandum .. with sign of the cross, Gloria Patri. ... Sicut erat. ... 3. Hymn, fam lucis. 4. Antiphon, first words only. 5.

Let us try to make the best of what may still remain. We have now all the helps which Christ's death provided for us, and all the responsibilities which come with them. 'Deus, in adjutorium meum intende. Domine, ad adjuvandum me festina!... Yrs most affly, JAMES R. HOPE. E. Badeley, Esq. To the above correspondence, the following scrap from a letter of Mr. David Lewis, congratulating Mr.

Thrice, Deus in adjutorium meum intende, Domine ad adjuvandum... without the sign of cross, Gloria Patri.... Sicut erat. 14. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem. Sed libera nos a malo. 15. Respice in servos tuos.... Et sit splendor....16. Gloria Patri.... Sicut erat....Oremus, Dirigere et sanctificare.... l7. Jube, Domine.... Deus et actus nostros....Amen. 18.

And the other side of the choir, that on which were Father Etienne and the abbot, answered, scanning the syllables very slowly, with voices of bass pitch, "Domine ad adjuvandum me festina." And all bowed their heads over the folios placed before them, and took up the words, "Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto."

"Judicavique te bello violari, contra cujus honorem, populi Romani beneficio concessum, inimici atque invidi niterentur. Sed ut eo tempore non modo ipse fautor dignitatis tuae fui, verum etiam caeteris auctor ad te adjuvandum, sic me nunc Pompeii dignitas vehementer movet," etc. Cicero to Caesar, enclosed in a letter to Atticus, ix. 11. Enclosed to Atticus, viii. 11.