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Civilized man turns to custom, to law, or to general principles of some sort, which he accepts as authoritative, and which he regards as having a bearing upon the particular instance in question. That individual decisions should be capable of some sort of justification by the adduction of a reason or reasons is generally admitted.

Likewise, the various abnormal positions assumed, adduction, abduction, undue flexion or pointing have their own significance and are taken into account by the trained diagnostician in the course of an examination. In the examination of lame subjects, where the cause is not obvious, a systematic method of diagnosis is pursued even by the most expert practitioners.

Selina, do you know the movements of your own joints? Flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, rotation, circumduction, pronation, supination, and the lateral movements. Be proud of those accomplishments, my dear, but beware of attempting to become a Masseuse. There are drawbacks in that vocation and I am conscious of one of them at this moment." She lifted her hands to her nose.

As to the evidence itself, adduction of proof is scarce possible in respect of inward experience, and to this class belongs the better part of the evidence: the testimony may be truthful, yet the testifier utterly self-deceived! How am I to know the thing as he says he knows it? How am I to judge of it? There is king David: Poetry! old poetry! and in the most indefinite language in the world!

Adduction and abduction movements of the fingers are lost. Adduction of the thumb is carried out, not by the paralysed adductor pollicis, but the movement may be simulated by the long flexor and extensor muscles of the thumb.

There is no actual swelling of the joint, although there may be an appearance of this from wasting of the muscles above and below. If the joint is kept rigid for long periods, secondary contracture may occur in the knee with flexion, in the hip with flexion and adduction.

It seems that this reminded M. Bayle of my system of accounting for this correspondence, which he had examined formerly. I was surprised to see that limits were placed on the power of God, without the adduction of any proof and without indication that there was any contradiction to be feared on the side of the object or any imperfection on God's side.

The animal was destroyed and on autopsy the head of the femur found to be contained within a false articular cavity situated about four inches above the acetabulum. In Dr. Lusk's case as he states it, the following symptoms were presented: "Limb shortened and fixed in a position of adduction.