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John v., 42. The persons whom our Lord addrest in these words made a high profession of religion, valued themselves upon their peculiar opportunities of knowing the true God and His will, and proclaimed themselves as the Israel and the temple of the Lord, while they despised the surrounding pagans as those who were strangers to the divine law.

Such were the provisions made by human counsels. The gods were next addrest with expiations and recourse had to the Sibyl's books.

She had married without his permission, and he was in great wrath. It happened, too, at this time that the bride was pale and in delicate health. The mystery soon was manifest, And thus the king his child addrest, Whilst anger darkened o'er his brow: "What hast thou done, ungrateful, now? Why hast thou flung, in evil day, The veil of modesty away?

This stroke stunned me a good deal; and when he had sat down, I felt myself not a little embarrassed, and apprehensive of what might come next. He then addrest himself to Davies: "What do you think of Garrick? He has refused me an order for the play of Miss Williams, because he knows the house will be full, and that an order would be worth three shillings."

Such is what befell me, most noteworthy, in this my first voyage. From a letter addrest by Vespucius to Pier Soderini, Gonfalonier of Florence. A translation is printed in the "Old South Leaflets." Vespucius, during one of his voyages, is believed to have discovered the coast of South America perhaps as far down as the mouth of La Plata. His letters, however, give slight clue to localities.

In the form of Vishnu or Krishna, the Supreme Deity addrest himself to aid Arjuna in slaying Bhishma. As Krishna the friend of Arjuna. In the Pauranik myth, the Earth is described as being supported in empty space by a mighty snake called Sesha. Mahadeva is that Sesha, otherwise called Ananta. 155. i.e., Mahavishnu, from whose navel arose the primeval lotus within which was born Brahma.

Being kindly addrest by them, and deluded by an acquaintance with Septimius, because in the war with the pirates the latter had commanded a company under him, he embarked in a small boat, with a few attendants, and was there murdered by Achillas and Septimius. In like manner, Lucius Lentulus was seized by the king's order, and put to death in prison.... Translated by McDivett and W. S. Bohn.

His Mein and Person, but 'bove all his Humour, That surly Pride, though even to me addrest, Does strangely well become him. Oli. May I believe this? Am. Not if you mean to speak on't, But I shall soon enough betray my self. Enter Falatius with a patch or two on his Face. Falatius, welcome from the Wars; I'm glad to see y'ave scap'd the dangers of them. Fal. Oli. That's not so well, believe me.

From a letter addrest to Francis I, King of France, on July 8, 1524. Three copies of Verazzano's letter exist. One was printed by Ramusio in 1556 and translated for Hakluyt's "Voyages" in 1583. The second was found in the Strozzi Library in Florence, and published in 1841 by the New York Historical Society with a translation by J.G. Cogswell.

It was on this very Areopagus, where we are now standing, that these philosophers of fashion came into contact with the thorough earnestness, the profound convictions, the red-hot zeal of the Apostle Paul. The memory of that great scene still lingers about the place, and every guide will show you the exact place where the Apostle stood, and in what direction he addrest his audience.