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His week's task was done, he was not due at his house in Addiscombe until the next day, for he always stayed in his Great College Street rooms from Monday to Friday and the night was before him.

Some obstacles, with a good deal of fatigue, we made up our minds to encounter; but, as the Duke of Wellington said in his speech to the cadets at Addiscombe, a speech which I had the good fortune to hear, and am not likely soon to forget, nothing great was ever accomplished without labour; and labour we were content to bestow, and fatigue to endure, even in the ascent of Schnee-Koppee.

"Get out anything they want. And Dick won't be in till half-past one, tell her. And Dollie" there was again that queer little catch in her voice "it is possible Miss Addiscombe may call this afternoon. I have told Louisa to show her right into the drawing-room without telling her I am out, and come and find you. I want you to be very nice to her, and explain about the Merediths.

Born no farther apart than the Rectory and Hall of a country village, they had learnt together under Gerrard's father, the Rector, entered Addiscombe together, and passed out at the same time, Gerrard with an array of medals which secured him one of the coveted commissions in the Engineers, and Charteris, undistinguished save by proficiency in games and universal popularity, slipping contentedly into the Infantry.

Pemberton," said Dorothy. "At least, Dick said so." "You don't happen to be Addiscombe Graham's little daughter," he said with a queer look, "do you?" "Father's name is Richard Addiscombe," said Dorothy doubtfully. "Well, the best thing you can do now is to come home with me and get some breakfast," he said.

You know how one hears it spoken of always as a magnificent field for exertion, and this is true enough in one way, for if a man does emerge at all, he emerges the more by contrast he is a triton among minnows. But I think the responsibility of those who keep sending out here young fellows of sixteen and seventeen fresh from a private school or Addiscombe is quite awful.

"Addiscombe," said Glyn quietly, as he stood watching his companion thrust the case back into the bottom of the portmanteau and rearrange the garments he had moved, while his hand lingered for a few moments about a soft white robe, which he covered over with a sigh before closing the lid and turning the key of the great leather case. "Yes," he said, "Addiscombe.

"If mother heard the motor she might think it was Miss Addiscombe, and be so disappointed. You have been kind, very, very kind, but I can't help thinking about father." He let her out, and waving his hand, was soon off and out of sight. Dorothy walked slowly and sadly home.

By J. FREDERIC DANIELL, F.R.S. Professor of Chemistry in King's College, London; and Lecturer on Chemistry and Geology in the Hon. East India Company's Military Seminary at Addiscombe; and Author of Meteorological Essays. 16s. * A FAMILIAR HISTORY of BIRDS; their Nature, Habits, and Instincts. By EDWARD STANLEY, D.D., F.L.S., Lord Bishop of Norwich; President of the Linnaean Society.

"That's what I'm a-doing of, only you will keep talking in riddles like about your executioners and trustees. I want you to tell me just in plain English." "Very well, then, Punch. I was at a military school, and I didn't want to be fetched away." "Oh, I see," cried the boy. "You mean one of them big schools where they makes young officers?" "Yes." "Like Woolwich and Addiscombe?" "Yes."