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In the gathering evening gloom the shabbiness of the furniture could not be seen, and the fire-light danced playfully over the worn, comfortable-looking chairs drawn up to the hearth, on the holly and mistletoe which decorated the walls, and the great cluster of geranium and Christmas roses which the Adairs had sent to Janetta the day before.

Sir Philip was smoking a very mild cigarette: he was not very fond of tobacco, for, as the Adairs sometimes expressed it, he "had no small vices." Lady Ashley was wrapped in a white shawl, and her delicate, blue-veined hands were crossed upon her lap in unaccustomed idleness. "I did notice him," said her son, quietly. "He seemed to be paying a great deal of attention to Miss Adair."

Also, she gave two singing lessons weekly to the daughter of the grocer with whom the Colwyns dealt. But these were not paid for in money, but in kind. And then for a time she got no more pupils at all. Janetta was somewhat puzzled by her failure. She had fully expected to succeed as a teacher in Beaminster. "When the Adairs come back it will be better," she said, hopefully, to herself.

This constant reference to possible aid from the Adairs troubled Janetta not a little, and it was with some notion of combatting the idea that she repaired to the surgery after tea, in order to get a few words on the subject with her father. But his first remark was on quite a different matter. "Here's a pretty kettle of fish, Janet! The Brands are back again!"

"My Janet's as good as the best of them any day. The Adairs are not such grand people as Miss Polehampton makes out I never heard of such insulting distinctions!" "Fancy Janetta being sent away regularly expelled!" muttered Joey, with another chuckle. "You are very unkind to talk in that way!" said Janetta, addressing him, because at that moment she could not bear to look at Mr. Colwyn.

I suppose the Adairs have renewed the friendship. The properties lie side by side. That may be a reason." "I am very sorry we asked him here," said Lady Ashley, almost viciously. "I had no idea that he was paying attention to her. I hope there is nothing wrong about it such a very undesirable match!" "I don't really know why," said her son, with a forced smile.

Tuesday, Oct. 20. Left Adairs at 6 o'clock a. m. The country extremely hilly and not quite so fertile. Independent people in log cabins. They make their own clothes, sugar and salt, and paint their own signs. They picture a lion like a dove, a cat like a terrapin, and Gen. Washington like a bird's nest. Salt wells and sugar orchards are common in this country.

The habit of wandering easily grows, and the two years had slipped away so pleasantly that it was with a feeling almost of surprise that the Adairs reckoned up the time that had elapsed since they left England.

Colwyn and Nora were not slow to repeat the sentiment with which they had greeted her that the Adairs were "stuck-up" fine people, and that they did not mean to take any further notice of her now that they had got what they desired. Janetta stood up gallantly for her friend, but she did feel it a little hard that Margaret had not written or come to see her since her return home.

"We had no opportunity of sending home information of our merciful preservation, and, as Murray had to sail again at once, we, as you see, were the first to bring home intelligence of our safety." "And thankful I am, my boy, that you have escaped," exclaimed the admiral, again wringing Adairs and Tom's hands. "Well, Commander Jack, and what have you to say for yourself?