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Thus did Amphion with the melody of his harp found, build, and finish the great and renowned city of Thebes. I shall not fail therein, par lapathium acutum de dieu; if Mars fail not in Lent, which the cunning lecher, I warrant you, will be loth to do.

Profluebant per frontem sudantem acaciae rivi, et inter rugas malarum tantum erat cretae, ut putares detectum parictum nimbo laborare. Non tenui ego diutius lacrimas, sed ad ultiman, perductus tristitiam. "Quaeso," inquam, "domina, certe embasicoetan iusseras dari." Complosit illa tenerius manus et "O" inquit "homincm acutum atque urbanitatis vernaculae fontem.

This he said, opening his breviary. Come forward, thou and I must be somewhat serious for a while; let me peruse thee stiffly. Beatus vir qui non abiit. Pshaw, I know all this by heart; let us see the legend of Mons. St. Nicholas. Horrida tempestas montem turbavit acutum. Tempest was a mighty flogger of lads at Mountagu College.

Testa aperte-umbilicata, tumido-depressa, nitidissima, superne radiatim striata, cornea, fasciis angustis transversis distantibus fulvis; spira angusta; anfractus 5 planiusculi, ultimus rotundatus, antice vix descendentes; apertura rotundata; peristoma simplex, vix acutum, rectum, margine columellari non reflexo. Diam. maj. 26, min. 21, alt. 14 mill.

And now, I seem like an eager hunter, that has long pursued a chase after an inconsiderable quarry; and gives over, weary; as I do. p. 537 By JOHN DRYDEN Esq.; Fungar vice cotis, acutum Reddere quae ferrum valet, exors ipsa secandi. Horat. De Arte Poet. To the Right Honourable CHARLES LORD BUCKHURST. My Lord,