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Many other men in his place would have discovered that their services were most important in Washington. It was never Roosevelt's custom to act that way. Later in February, while Mr. Long was away, and Roosevelt was Acting-Secretary of the Navy, he sent this cable message to Commodore Dewey: WASHINGTON, February 25, '98. Dewey, Hong Kong Order the squadron, except the "Monocacy," to Hong Kong.

Bingo obeyed, and read: "Lady's information perfectly correct. We hope this intelligence will reach you in time to be useful. "I have the honour to be, "P. BLINDERS, "Acting-Secretary to General "Brounckers." "By the Living Tinker!" exploded Bingo. "Don't be prodigal of emotion," the Colonel's quiet voice warns the excited husband. "There are two more letters following.

You are invited, the very Sunday upon which the previously-recorded conversation took place, to make the acquaintance of the sprightly P. Blinders, Acting-Secretary to Commandant Selig Brounckers, Head Laager, Transvaal Republic and Orange Free State's United Forces, Tweipans.

Through Roosevelt's instrumentality, Commodore George Dewey had been appointed in the preceding autumn to command our Asiatic Squadron, and while, in the absence of Governor Long, Roosevelt was Acting-Secretary, he sent the following dispatch: Washington, February 25,'98. Dewey, Hong Kong: Order the squadron, except the Monocacy, to Hong Kong. Keep full of coal.

The exchange will be effected by parties under the White Flag at a given point North-East between the lines of investment and defence one hour before Kerk-time to-morrow, being the Sabbath. "I have the honour to be yours truly, "P. BLINDERS, "Acting-Secretary to General "Brounckers."