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But in answer to this, we might fairly apply the saying of Euripides. To speak of mysteries the chief of these Surely were cowardice in Hercules. For it is much the same thing to reproach Hercules for cowardice, and to accuse Cato of covetousness; though otherwise, whether he did altogether right in this marriage, might be disputed.

What you did not accuse them of, in words, you charged them with, by implication; and now you ask me to become one with them; and not only that, to deny my manhood and my honor by repudiating my oath to another." "I asked you to protect yourself and me," she said, simply, but with a coldness and a suggestion of hardness in her tone, that had been entirely absent from it until that instant.

The same thing probably took place then which has happened ever since; and they who had no faith in God or man, were the first to accuse this religious genius with being an infidel! So, one night they seized Jesus, tried him before daylight next morning, condemned him, and put him to death.

"Jacob served seven for Rachel," answered Miss Lucretia; "that period is scarcely too short to test a man, and you are both young." "No," said Cynthia, "I cannot marry him, Miss Lucretia. The world would accuse me of design, and I feel that I should not be happy.

Go hence, and tell your father, 'The rope follows after the water bucket. But," continued Joseph, shaking his purple mantle, "God forbid that I should accuse you all of theft. Only the youth that stole the cup in order to divine his brother's whereabouts shall remain with me as my bondman; but as for you, get you up in peace unto your father."

Hamlet exclaims, with a noble magnanimity, 'I count myself indifferent honest, and yet I could accuse me of such things! If you could prove to a man that he is a knave, it would not make much difference in his opinion, his self-love is stronger than his love of virtue.

Accuse me, condemn me, but do not offend me in my love for you." He shook his head. "Leave me. You have harmed me too much. I have loved you so much that all the pain which you could have given me I would have taken, kept, loved; but this is too hideous. I hate it. Leave me. I am suffering too much. Farewell!" She stood erect. "I have come. It is my happiness, it is my life, I am fighting for.

Sampson was indeed a study. Yet did he betray anything but rage at this interloper? "Sampson, here's plain talk for you and Linrock to digest," went on Steele. "I don't accuse you and your court of dishonesty. I say strange! Law here has been a farce. The motive behind all this laxity isn't plain to me yet. But I call your hand!"

To be sure, his remark about Marian's gown had caused her inwardly to accuse him of influencing Marian to make herself ridiculous in the eyes of her friends, but she could not forgive herself for having unthinkingly spoken as she had done. After due reflection Grace decided that she had acted unwisely, and made up her mind that she would try to make amends for her unkind retort.

To-day, indeed, for the first time, we have had brought home to us the dangers and discomforts, if not the horrors, of what a bombardment may be in an unfortified town under the fire of modern artillery. We cannot accuse the Boers of having deliberately thrown shells into the houses of peaceful inhabitants, or over buildings on which the Geneva Cross was flying.