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If I smile at him, be it understood, it is not in scorn; he performs his sacred office more acceptably than many a prelate. These way-side services attract numbers who would not otherwise listen to prayer, sermon, or hymn, from one year's end to another, and who, for that very reason, are the auditors most likely to be moved by the preacher's eloquence.

He not only wished to assure himself for Baird's sake that the piece would be acceptably serious, but he wished, with a quite seemly curiosity, to view his own acting on the screen. It occurred to him that he had been acting a long time without a glimpse of himself. But Baird had been singularly firm in this matter, and the Montague girl had sided with him.

"I have a note here," he said, "which I was enjoined not to hand you until you had lain down to dinner." The two second assistant waiter boys took our shoes and we disposed ourselves on the sofas, Tanno in the place of honor, I rejoicing again that his presence had solved, acceptably to all the rest, the otherwise insoluble problem of to whom I should accord that location.

In trying to amuse his baby brother, and to relieve his poor sick mother, that little boy was serving God as truly and as acceptably as the angel Gabriel does when he wings his way, on a mission of mercy, to some far off world. And this is the lesson about the servants that comes to us from Olivet.

"I have done as much for the other poor fellows who " "I know, I know," broke in the Russian, smiling. "You must not be offend with me if I speak your language so badly." "It strikes me you speak it most acceptably," interposed Percival. "What is your name?" she asked abruptly. "I have heard you called the stowaway. No one has speak your name to me." "My name is Percival," said he.

They were well content to enshrine him as a local celebrity, and ready enough to point him out to visitors, but by an unwritten communal law the line was drawn there. He was as one set apart for certain necessary undertakings, and yet denied the intimacy of his kind because he performed them acceptably.

If it wasn't the palace Sofia had unconsciously been looking forward to, it owned a solid, dull-faced dignity that suited well the town-house of a person of quality, it measured up quite acceptably to Sofia's notion of what was becoming to the condition of a prince in exile who naturally would live quietly, in view of the recent revolution in Russia.

The hat would not sit as he was accustomed to have it, owing to the bruise on his head, and he stood like a woman petulant with her milliner before the glass; now pressing the hat down till the pain was insufferable, and again trying whether it presented him acceptably in the enforced style of his wearing it. He persisted in this, till Mrs.

This is not so monstrous as pretending to do what "God manifest in the flesh" alone could do to fast for forty consecutive days. Ed. 11 God heareth the heart, without the mouth; but never heareth the mouth acceptably, without the heart. 12 To such poor deceived souls, our Lord's words are extremely applicable; "If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!"

The young man's, doubtless; for that which heads it against the greatest opposition, gives best demonstration that it is strongest. As nature, even where grace is, cannot without the assistance of that grace do any thing acceptably before God; so grace received, if it be not also supplied with more grace, cannot cause that we continue to do acceptable service to God.