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Chrysantheme, who always likes to play the part of a tired little girl, of a spoiled and pouting child, ascends slowly between Yves and myself, clinging to our arms. Jonquille, on the contrary, skips up like a bird, amusing herself by counting the endless steps. She lays a great stress on the accentuations, as if to make the numbers sound even more droll.

The leading features of the Chinese are, its consisting altogether of monosyllables, and being destitute of all grammatical forms, except certain arrangements and accentuations, which vary the sense of particular words.

What was then admired in Vienna was explosive accentuations and piano drumming. The article continues: "As in his playing he was like a beautiful young tree that stands free and full of fragrant blossoms and ripening fruits, so he manifested as much estimable individuality in his compositions where new figures and passages, new forms unfolded themselves."

"When you got yourself into trouble by monkeying with the accentuations of a buzz saw," he said, "I could see only one way out, and that was to put you into a position where even the disembodied spirit of Calumny itself could not pretend to believe old Napper Tandy's yarn.

Degas's old style of drawing undergoes modification: with the help of slight deformations, accentuations of the modelling and subtle falsifications of the proportions, managed with infinite tact and knowledge, the artist brings forth in relief the important gesture, subordinating to it all the others.

Chrysantheme, who always likes to play the part of a tired little girl, of a spoiled and pouting child, ascends slowly between Yves and myself, clinging to our arms. Jonquille, on the contrary, skips up like a bird, amusing herself by counting the endless steps. She lays a great stress on the accentuations, as if to make the numbers sound even more droll.

Chrysantheme, who always likes to play the part of a tired little girl, of a spoiled and pouting child, ascends slowly between Yves and myself, clinging to our arms. Jonquille, on the contrary, skips up like a bird, amusing herself by counting the endless steps. She lays a great stress on the accentuations, as if to make the numbers sound even more droll.

Chrysanthème, who always likes to play the part of a tired little girl, of a spoilt and pouting child, ascends slowly between Yves and myself, clinging to our arms. "Itsôôts! Moûts'! Nanâts! Yâts! Kokonôts!" She lays a great stress on the accentuations, as though to make the numbers sound even more droll.

Meyerbeer was a warning to them; the Parisian opera had tempted him into certain ambiguous Semitic accentuations in music, which fairly scared the "men of culture."

This is effected purely and entirely by the correct accentuations of the explanatory lights and darks.