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Determined, if possible, to effect a reconciliation between them, I prevailed on our old friend Abucco to accompany me to Attah, promising to introduce him to his brother, and pledging my life for his safety. The meeting took place on the 22nd November, and a highly interesting one it was, I assure you.

From Attah, he wrote to his brother John, of which the following is an interesting extract: "You know, that when we were here together, Abucco, chief of Damaggoo, had been at variance with his brother for several years.

The chief was extremely disconcerted, but he made no reply, I then desired Abucco to rise, and leading him to his brother, I took the right hand of each, and pressing both hands together, made them shake hands heartily, observing; You are now friends, and may God keep you so. The brothers were deeply affected, and neither of them could utter a syllable, for several seconds afterwards.

The curiosity of the chief of Attah, having in some measure been gratified, I immediately introduced his brother to his notice, by paying him a high compliment, which Abucco had certainly deserved.

Abucco instantly drew back, as he approached the throne, but, taking him by the hand, I led, or rather pulled him towards his brother. At this moment, his confidence seemed to have forsaken him entirely; his head hung down on his breast, and I could feel him tremble violently.