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"Where are you going, old man?" he said kindly, slipping his hand through David's arm. "I don't know," he answered absently. "Are you dead broke, Davy?" "Dead broke," in a lifeless echo. "Will you accept a little loan? You can't go far without money." "It's no use." "Take it! I wouldn't have had it if it hadn't been for you, and I won't have it long whether you take it or not."

Oh, do tell us! cried Ella Warden as she now was called capering round her elder sister, who stood beneath a gas-burner, in a well-furnished bed-room, reading a letter, its enclosure clasped within a very trembling hand. 'Mary May, dear Mary, answered Averil, still half absently. 'And who? 'Mr.

The colonel spoke with emphasis, and flung away his cigarette, and took up his hat to go. And then, "I suppose," said Miss Musgrave, absently, "you will be falling in love with her, just as you did with Anne Charteris and Aline Van Orden and all those other minxes. I would like to see you married, Rudolph, only I couldn't stand your having a wife." "I! I!" sputtered the colonel.

I'll bet he could whip any four men you could pick out." Considering that Hastings had himself proposed although in a very mild form more than once to Victoria, this was generous. "I daresay he could," she agreed absently. "It isn't only the way he's built," persisted Hastings, "he looks as if he were going to be somebody some day. Introduce me to him, will you?" "Certainly," said Victoria. "Mr.

We can train and train an officer, but when war comes well, no amount of training will supply a certain quality that must be inborn the quality of command." "Such as Dellarme had!" she exclaimed absently, under her breath. She had forgotten her part and Westerling's presence. The given point of her gaze was exactly where Dellarme lay when he died.

"She seems a nice little girl, that, and uncommon pretty," Naylor remarked. "Yes, but he's a queer fish, I fancy," the Doctor answered, also rather absently. Their minds were not running on parallel lines. "My boy a queer fish?" Naylor expostulated humorously. Irechester smiled; his lips shut close and tight, his smile was quick but narrow. "You're matchmaking. I was diagnosing," he said.

She moved round on the other side of the bed, wondering if it was the yellow morning light or his physical weakness that gave his face such a depressed, ghastly look. "What did you say?" He stared at her absently. "What would you like for breakfast?" He looked towards his coat that hung on the foot of his bed. "Don't bother about me; I'm going to get up." "No, you must not." She caught his wrist.

Her father's mind was preoccupied; he looked at her absently. The child's sense of her own importance was wounded: she appealed to her governess. "Would you believe it?" she asked. "Papa has forgotten that next Tuesday is my birthday!" "Very well, Kitty; I must pay the penalty of forgetting. What present would you like to have?" "I want a doll's perambulator." "Ha!

It is like wearing a lovely new dress to climb mountains in." "You will always be young," he said; "you are eternal." It was his considered view; he wished she weren't. Kissing her a little absently he walked to the door; then because he had always done so, he walked back. "Bless you," he said. It was perfunctory and final. The shutting of the door turned out the light in her eyes.

I am writing this story to tell you why Mariuccia is a witch, and why my Nino, who never so much as looked at the beauties of the generone, as they came with their fathers and brothers and mothers to eat ice-cream in the Piazza Colonna, and listen to the music of a summer's evening, Nino, who stared absently at the great ladies as they rolled over the Pincio, in their carriages, and was whistling airs to himself for practice when he strolled along the Corso, instead of looking out for pretty faces, Nino, the cold in all things save in music, why he fulfilled Mariuccia's prophecy, little by little, and became perfectly crazy about blue eyes and fair hair.