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Stick the envelope in your belt, walk into the office, take the position of a soldier, salute, and hand him the envelope, saying, 'With the compliments of the General, salute again, about-face, and walk out." "I'll want to punch his rotten old head off the minute I set eyes on him," remarked Shorty, sotto voce; "but the character and dignity of the staff must be maintained." Lieut.-Col.

Members of that commission were forced to an about-face later and became some of the inventor's sturdiest champions. But in his darkest hour the government failed him, and the one friendly hand stretched out in aid was that of the German Engineers' Society which, somewhat doubtfully, advanced some funds to keep the work in operation.

The whole outburst, the complete about-face in what had been their apparent relations, overwhelmed him. He had had no idea of the slow damming back of resentments; in fact, he really had no idea that there were causes for resentment at all! He had done the direct, obvious, efficient thing in a number of instances when naturally her powers or abilities were inadequate.

Farrel stepped lithely down the long front to the geometrical center of the formation, made a right-face, walked six paces, executed an about-face, and announced complainingly: "Well, I've barked at you for eighteen months and finally you made it snappy. On the last day of your service, you manage to fall in within the time-limit and dress the line perfectly. I congratulate you."

It stood on the right of the road as you went towards St. Hugh's; but they had encountered it upon the left. Therefore, either they had been walking off the road, though in the right direction, or terrible thought! somewhere or somehow they had turned right about-face, and were walking away from St. Hugh's....

Amiens was happy in the memory of the frustration of what might have happened when her citizens looked at the posters, already valuable relics, that had been put up by von Kluck's army as it passed through on the way to its about-face on the Marne. The old town, out of the battle area, out of the reach of shells, had prospered exceedingly.

Dick & Co. had two more pleasant meetings with their high school friends before an about-face was made, and the return hike to Gridley started. Their liveliest adventures were yet ahead of them.

"I think that question should be reversed. 'What's got into you?" "I think you're being unreasonable." "Am I? Is it unreasonable to wonder why you did a complete about-face?" "I don't understand." "You understand. I've brought it up before. You spent weeks convincing me I ought to carry through with my internship and establish a practice.

"Hunt Rennie has nothing to do with this. He didn’t know those horses were on the Range——" "Because you put them there, Kirby?" Muller made a lightning about-face. He snapped to attention facing the captain. "And what are you doing here, Sergeant?" "Prisoner bein’ fed, sir!" Muller reported stolidly. "And there is no need for conversation. Dismissed, Sergeant!"

And then, so gradually it was hardly noticed, the harassments began to die down. The warlike posturing was abandoned by the Markovians. Within a period of about seventy or eighty years there was a complete about-face. They wound up as good Indians, peaceful, coöperative and intelligent members of the Council." "Didn't anybody ever find out why?" asked Joyce. "No. Nobody wanted to find out.