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"Benson!" cried Harley, loudly. "Quick! Your master is ill!" There came a sound of swift footsteps and the door was thrown open. "Too late," whispered Sir Charles in a choking voice. He began to clutch his throat as Benson hurried into the room. "My God!" whispered Harley. "He is dying!" Indeed, the truth was all too apparent. Sir Charles Abingdon was almost past speech.

'She is a ward in Chancery, you know, and she will not come of age until she is twenty-five. Peter, of course, has a very large fortune. Still, one would not like to be responsible for a marriage, even if it is suitable, and I should not like the Erskines to think I had not looked after Jane properly. That nothing should happen always seemed to Miss Abingdon the height of safety and of peace.

If the bridges built at Abingdon in the fifteenth century had not gradually deflected the western road, Wallingford might still count the fourteen churches and the large population which it possessed for so many centuries. Apart from Wallingford, however, the fords, as fords, did little to build up towns or to determine the topography of English history.

Upon his way beneath the old stone bridge which crossed the ford, and shooting between the lifted paddles of the weirs, he would, once below Oxford, have seen much the same pastures that we see to-day; but in a few hours Abingdon, the next to Osney, would have fixed his eyes as Osney had before.

For a moment Harley's suspicions were almost dispelled, and, observing an empty cab approaching, he signalled to the man to pull up. "Where do you want to go to?" he inquired, opening the door. "I am due at Doctor McMurdoch's," she replied, stepping in. Paul Harley hesitated, glancing from the speaker to the driver. "I wonder if you have time to come with me," said Phil Abingdon.

Abingdon himself and most of his guests were in favour of attending an aviation meeting at Wynhampton a few miles away. Caryl was not present, but as she passed through the hall a little later, he came in at the front door. "I was just coming to you," he remarked, pausing to flick the ash from his cigarette before closing the door.

That he was concerned in the death of Sir Charles Abingdon he did not believe for a moment; but that this elusive case, which upon investigation only seemed the more obscure, was nevertheless a case of deliberate murder he was as firmly convinced as ever.

It stands under the remaining tower, the water tower, of the castle still, and on exactly the same site, and on the branch of the Thames which from the most ancient days has been the waterway by which barges and merchandise came from the country to the city, bringing goods from Abingdon or corn and fuel from the upper river. And it is still called by its old name of the Weir Stream.

Daniel Trigg, of Abingdon, Va., and of Dr. George Ben. Johnston, of Richmond, to whom I take this opportunity of returning my warm thanks. From the house of Col. William Preston, "at one o'clock, in high spirits." They took the canoe at the mouth of Elk River, on the 16th.

She was staying at the McMurdochs' house, and as the object at present in view was that of a visit to her old home, from which the funeral of Sir Charles Abingdon was to take place on the morrow, Harley became suddenly conscious of the fact that his presence was inopportune. "I believe you want to see me, Doctor McMurdoch," he said, turning to the dour physician.