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'Won what? asked Adiron, the senior man present, as he poured out another glass of wine. 'Won his second match against Abenfeldt with seven to spare. Adiron stretched his legs and leant back; his figure was well adapted for leaning back. 'My good Adolph, explain yourself. 'Hadn't you heard of it? Why, they arranged it last night at Countess Sagan's.

'Abenfeldt fancies himself as a shot, but he forgot he had to do with Unziar, laughed Captain Adiron. 'Abenfeldt bet that he could shoot more swallows in half an hour before breakfast than any man in Révonde. That was in September, you know, and Unziar took him up with service revolvers and shot fifteen, winning easily.

'Also we have agreed to propose Abenfeldt as junior subaltern. 'I have no objection, the Duke said. 'As for the other subject upon which I have for some time wished to speak to you, sire, I am authorised to lay before your Highness certain proposals

'I have spoken with him already this evening, and I ah rather liked what he said. 'Then why haven't you arranged it? To-morrow he joins and he must never be permitted to join the Guard! We might have asked Abenfeldt to remove him, but the Guard has up to the present day been able to set its own house in order, added Colendorp with a sour glance at Unziar.

But it's Abenfeldt, of course. The Colonel as good as promised him last year. 'Ever heard of Lieutenant Rallywood of the frontier? demanded Colendorp in his slow way. 'Yes, I do happen to know him. Unziar looked round in some surprise.

I told him that we had practically decided on Abenfeldt in case of a vacancy occurring. I even went so far as to remind him that there had been Abenfeldts among us for four centuries. 'He couldn't meet that argument! exclaimed Adiron. 'No, he parried it, gracefully enough, I admit.

Abenfeldt can't get over it, and challenged him to a shooting-match again last night. I say, Adolph broke off, and his face altered; he thrust out a little foot and surveyed the spurred boot that covered it critically, 'I've just ridden back from Brale. That new charger of mine bolted down the hill by the paling. I went to see Insermann; they had not been able to move him, you know.

Before the wine filled the glasses, Adolf was already deep in the story of Unziar's shooting-match with Abenfeldt. 'Allow me the honour of drinking with you, Monsieur, said Colendorp to Rallywood. 'It was in truth a notable performance; we have never had even in the Guard a surer shot than Unziar, he added, alluding to the anecdote.