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A square of soft sterilized linen or gauze is slit up to its center; the cord is allowed to pass through this slit, which looks toward the child's right; the stump of cord is laid on the left and the ends of gauze are folded over this; the whole is kept in place by the abdominal bandage.

When the ribs have been raised by inspiration and the abdominal organs pressed down by the diaphragm, the chest, on the cessation of the act, tends to resume its former shape, owing to elastic recoil quite apart from all muscular action; in other words, inspiration is active, expiration largely passive.

There are three main varieties: the reflex, the vaso-motor, the toxic. The reflex is by far the most common, and is generally due to irritation from one of the abdominal organs.

It is mixed costal and diaphragmatic effected by the ribs, with the assistance of the diaphragm and the abdominal muscles, but very different from the method of breathing predicated upon so violent an effort of diaphragm and abdomen that it is called "diaphragmatic" or "abdominal" breathing, and very different also from pure "costal" breathing.

The sense of bearing on to the voice, or endeavoring to push the tone by any pressure whatever, should be absolutely avoided. Tone support should be carefully regarded. In order to secure this a correct standing position must be held and the muscles about the waist and the abdominal muscles must be firm and elastic.

On the other hand, the girth at the hips is greater, showing more powerful muscular development. The chest is an inch and a half deeper, while the abdominal measure is fully two inches deeper. These increased developments are all over and above what the mere increase in stature would call for. As to the general development of the muscular system, you will see there is simply no comparison.

But this he growled to himself as he hobbled up the steps to the door. "I didn't say anything about payment," Mr Latter remarked affably, stepping back a pace as he pulled open the flap of the door, and politely suppressing a groan at the removal of that abdominal support. "I was askin' you to oblige me by takin' a drink, seein' as how " "Seein' as how what?"

It is a part of the lining membrane of the cavity of the abdomen, called Transverse colon. 2. Duodenum. 3. Small intestine. 4. Pancreas. *The Peritoneum.*—The peritoneum is to the abdominal cavity what the pleura is to the thoracic cavity. It forms the outer covering for the alimentary canal and other abdominal organs and supplies the inner lining of the cavity itself.