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Induce the elector to forsake her, and leave her in Venice like another Didone abbandonata, while you carry him in triumph back to Munich." "I will, indeed I will!" exclaimed Lucretia, exultingly. "Ah, signora," said the marquis, coaxingly, "what a magnanimous and disinterested nature you display! You accede to my request without naming conditions.

Madame Piccinelli, from Paris, who sang at one of our concerts, acts at the opera. Herr Pick, who danced at Vienna, is now dancing here. The opera is "Didone abbandonata," but it is not to be given much longer. Signor Piccini, who is writing the next opera, is here. I am told that the title is to be "Cesare in Egitto." Noble of Hohenthal and attached to the Exchequer. Milan, Feb. 10, 1770.

"Mi trova abbandonata," she said, leading the way back to the terrace-end. There were notes of a peculiar richness in her voice, when she spoke Italian; and she dwelt languorously on the vowels, and rather slurred the consonants, lazily, in the manner Italian women have, whereby they give the quality of velvet to their tongue.

Look at this Latona and Leda and the Ariadne abbandonata and this must certainly be the blooming Hebe. Ah! and look at this little niche! This grinning little deity the facsimile of an Indian idol must express their idea of the Penates. Strange! is it not?" "But are you not," rejoined Sir Henry, "somewhat disappointed in the dwelling-houses?