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The roll the youth had brought to the camp contained two letters. The first was from the conspirators in Tanis, the second from Siptah's mother. The former desired his speedy return and told him that the Syrian Aarsu, the commander of the foreign mercenaries, who guarded the palace, as well as the women's house, was ready to do him homage.

"The profligate seeks to lure you into his snare and has learned that you favor me," the warrior broke in. She bent her head with a gesture of assent, and added blushing: "That is why Aarsu, whom he has won over to his cause, watches you so strictly." "And the Syrian will keep his eyes sufficiently wide open," cried Joshua. "Now let us talk no more of this.

Aarsu is better suited to carry out their dark plans, but he will finally betray them all. So far as I am concerned, the prince has good reason to hate me." Kasana laid her hand upon his lips, pointed anxiously to Ephraim and the guide, and said gently: "Spare my father! The prince what roused his enmity......"

"They intimated to me the scheme they were weaving in his interest; they wished to put me in the place of the Syrian Aarsu, the commander of the mercenaries, if I would consent to let them have their way with my people and desert those of my own blood. But I would rather die twenty deaths than sully myself with such treachery.

Aarsu is better suited to carry out their dark plans, but he will finally betray them all. So far as I am concerned, the prince has good reason to hate me." Kasana laid her hand upon his lips, pointed anxiously to Ephraim and the guide, and said gently: "Spare my father! The prince what roused his enmity...."

What we have learned of later times induced me to weave into the romance the conspiracy of Siptah, the accession to the throne of Seti II., and the person of the Syrian Aarsu who, according to the London Papyrus Harris I., after Siptah had become king, seized the government. Through it, the turning back of the Hebrews before Etham is intelligible.

Ere he had quitted the palace, Bai had made various mysterious allusions, which though vague in purport, betrayed that the priest was cherishing important plans and, as soon as the guidance of the government passed from old Rui's hands into his, a high position, perhaps the command of the whole army, now led by a Syrian named Aarsu, would be conferred on him, Hosea.

What we have learned of later times induced me to weave into the romance the conspiracy of Siptah, the accession to the throne of Seti II., and the person of the Syrian Aarsu who, according to the London Papyrus Harris I., after Siptah had become king, seized the government. Through it, the turning back of the Hebrews before Etham is intelligible.

"The profligate seeks to lure you into his snare and has learned that you favor me," the warrior broke in. She bent her head with a gesture of assent, and added blushing: "That is why Aarsu, whom he has won over to his cause, watches you so strictly." "And the Syrian will keep his eyes sufficiently wide open," cried Joshua. "Now let us talk no more of this.

"They intimated to me the scheme they were weaving in his interest; they wished to put me in the place of the Syrian Aarsu, the commander of the mercenaries, if I would consent to let them have their way with my people and desert those of my own blood. But I would rather die twenty deaths than sully myself with such treachery.