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An' whin he came in sight iv his din in the rocks, and shpied his ould mother a-watchin' for him at the door, he says, 'Mother! have ye the pot bilin'? An' the ould mother says, 'Sure an' it is; an' have ye the little rid hin? 'Yes, jist here in me bag. Open the lid o' the pot till I pit her in, says he.

Dey all come on fas', not a bit afeard, an' de thin line in front was firin' at our sogers dat had been a-watchin' down by de road, an' our sogers was a-firin' back. "Bimeby, soon, bofe sides come nigh each oder, den de thin line ob Linkum men swept away to de lef at a gallop, an' our sogers an' de fust rank ob Linkum men run dere hosses at each oder wid loud yells.

"John is right; ye have been a-watchin' this boat," growled the old sailor named Bill Goss, who, it may be as well to state here, was thoroughly under his younger master's thumb for reasons best known to himself. "If I had my way I'd wollop the lot on ye!" And he shook his fist at the occupants of the Spray. "You keep your oar out!" cried Dick sternly.

There was some light on the group, thrown from the electric light tower, but not enough to show the wistfulness of the boy's face, and the widow burned no oil in summer. Privately, Andy was afraid chances would not do him much good. "Why," continued the widow, "even the little b'ys, Barney and Tommie, was a-watchin' the other day for chances.

"I dunno how-come dey get all dem nigger notions in dey fool haid," Sam says, "but dey all waitin' dar inside de chu'ch do' some of de mos' faiful an' de mos' pra'rful ones o' de Big Bethel cong'gation been dar fo' de las' houah a-waitin' an' a-watchin', spite o' de fac' dat reg'lah meetin' ain't gwine ter be called twell arter supper. De bishop, he dar too.

She once was pretty, but she ain't no mo', But she cooks mah meals an' she sweeps mah flo'; She darns mah stockings an' she mends mah coat, An' she knows jes' how mah chillun fer to tote Come along! Come along! "Mah pickaninnies am a-headin' dis way Come along! Come along! Daddy am a-watchin' fo' 'em day by day Come along! Come along!

Bill had the biggest feet in the township, but I'll bet my wallet that he never trod on a violet in all his life. Bill never took no slack from enny man that wuz sober, but the children made him play with 'em, and he'd set for hours a-watchin' the yaller-hammer buildin' her nest in the old cottonwood. Now I ain't defendin' Bill; I'm jest tellin' the truth about him.

Bobbsey found seats for all, and with the big carriage doors swung open, the party sat and listened for every sound that might mean the return of the stage driver. "Come, Freddie chile," said Dinah, "put yer head down on Dinah's lap. She won't let nothin' tech you. An' youse kin jest go to sleep if youse a mind ter. I'se a-watchin' out."

Soon's I yeerd tell on it, Marse Rupert, it set me ter steddyin'. I been a-watchin' out an' axin' questions fur weeks, an' when I fin' out " "But what has that to do with Uncle Tom?" cried Rupert. "A heap, Marse Rupert.

"Ah 'ung! w'y, ain't 'e a-waitin' an' a-waitin' to get at this cove this cove wi' the nice white 'ands an' the takin' ways, ain't 'e awatchin' an' a-watchin' to meet 'im some lonely night and when 'e do meet 'im " The Pedler sighed. "Well?" "W'y, there'll be blood shed blood! quarts on it buckets on it!