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This day she seemed ter be readin' stronger'n afore, 'n' she talked moh like she war a-seein' things I mean sure 'nough things; 'n' arter 'while the folks begun ter rock 'n' moan. They believe ter this day that the Lawd give her sight back fer a minit then, 'cause she reached down 'n' took ole Ben's hand in one of hern, 'n' ole Leister's in t'other'n, 'n' asked 'em ter shake.

I didn't aim ter squander a hundred dollars to one lick, but I've got'n nuff left yit ter see the Fair an' git home on, so I guess we may as well be a-seein' it; a body hes to live, live an' larn.

But it's dead low tide. Why can't I put the woman and girl on the reef, and let 'em walk to the village? Then we don't run no risks of any natives a-seein' us and coming down to the boat." "Ha! that's a good idea. But is it quite safe? I don't want them to meet with any accident." "There ain't no danger. The reef is quite flat, with no pools in it, and they needn't even wet their feet.

Why, any one here would have 60 or 70 emotions a minute right along a-seein' these, and a-meditatin' on the wonders of the deep. And then there wuz the rainbow fish, which is found both on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts it has all the colors the rainbow ever had, and more too.

Tell 'ee, yer 'onour, I shall believe in ghosts and sperrits again soon. Fancy me a-seein' things in Italy and tellin' 'em to you without knowin' anything about it! Well, but 'twill be grand if we can find 'im, yer honour, won't it then?" I spent a sleepless night, harassed by a thousand doubts and fears.

We came down the steps of the court into the fresher air of Friargate again. Our next walk was to Heatley Street. As we passed by a cluster of starved loungers, we overheard one of them saying to another, "Sitho, yon's th' soup-maister, gooin' a-seein' somebry."

He tossed the Short 'Un a bob, he did, when he got in. Such luck don't seem ever to come my way." "Where is the Short 'Un, as you call him?" I inquired, thinking that it might be to my advantage to interview that gentleman. "A-drinkin' of his bob in there," the man answered. "Where d'ye think ye'd be a-seein' 'im?

It was opened by a pretty girl, whose thick chestnut hair and eyes to match contrasted richly with the dress she wore a dirty black dress, with great patches of lining bursting through holes like a whity-brown froth. 'Meg Gudgeon? said the girl in answer to our inquiries; and at first she looked at us rather suspiciously, 'upstairs, she's very bad like to die I'm a-seein' arter 'er.

I wonder, now," he muttered; then a tender light came into his faded eyes. "It ain't but it must be Miss Jennie's little gal! There wasn't none of the rest of 'em married. Why, Nancy, it must be Miss Jennie's little gal. Glory be ter praise! ter think of my old eyes a-seein' this!" "Who was Miss Jennie?"

Well, I was; an' when youuns'd walk down ter the house, so slow like an' close together, I'd sneak ahead, an' beat you home; but all the time I was a-seein' you, an' youuns never knowed, 'cause youuns just naturally couldn't see nor hear nothin' but each other.