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She couldn't a-known what it meant, and yet, as true as I live, it seemed as if she did."

Soon as he struck the ranch the old man butted out again into the blizzard to get her slipped out before we knew it. The boys rounded him up wandering round the big pasture, and none too soon neither. All the time we had to keep herd on him to keep him from taking another whirl at it. He was like a crazy man to tackle it, though he must a-known it was suicide.

That's the way I came." "And it's the way we'll go. I might a-known you'd know all about it give you a quarter of a chance," her brother said admiringly. "We'll duck through the roof and let Mr. Dunke hold the sack. Lead the way, sis." She guided them along another passageway and up some stairs to the second story. The trap-door that opened to the flat roof was above the bed about six feet.

I just want you to know that I've earned this stock and that nobody here has been trimmed." "That's right," he agreed and his eyes opened wider as he took her all in, once more. "Say, was that the reason you were saving your money?" he asked as he glanced at the ear-'phone. "Because if I'd a-known it," he burst out repentantly, "I'd never touched it no, honest, I never would."

I'm so used to talkin' Spanish that I forget myself. Still, there's one end of this little deal that I ain't exactly explained to all hands. If I'd a-known they was charterin' the Maggie, I'd have blocked the game." "Why?" demanded Captain Scraggs, instantly on the defensive. "Not that I'm holdin' any grudge agin you, Scraggsy," said Mr.

But thee's not born here or thee'd a-known what a hoss knows. An' since 'ee asks what I says, I say this, 'twill not hurt 'ee to let Johnnie Budd stand one minute by the tree." Feeling insulted and puzzled the constable was about to assert his authority when he was arrested by Johnnie's cry, "Oh, Master Lampard, 'tis my last hope!" and by the sight of the agony of suspense on his swollen face.

And Miss Gloria isn't home from the races yet." "I must see her to-night I'll wait upstairs." "You must excuse me, sir Farver, I mean but I wouldn't a-known your voice, it seemed so different. And me that sleepy too, being on the go since six in the mornin' " "Go to bed, Liza. You sleep in the kitchen, don't you?" "Yes, sir, thank you, I think I will, too.

Her eyes were shining happily. "I've got news from Dad. It's all right. Soapy Stone has left town." "Why?" "A dozen of the big cattlemen signed a note and sent it to Stone. They told him that if he touched Curly he would never leave town alive. He was given word to get out of town at once." Maloney slapped his hand joyously on his thigh. "Fine! Might a-known Luck would find a way out.

No, I'd a-known if she had done that. And what else.... Humph!..." He pulled at his beard in silence for a moment. The teller, a brisk young man, possessed of a profound love of mischief and a corresponding lack of reverence, entered the office. "Oh, excuse me," he said. "I thought you was alone, Mr. Thacher."

"I'll see you in Guinea first!" Ben sat still. The kicks were futile. With such a heavy weight breathing was a difficult matter. "You you if you'd said fight I'd a-known " and Perkins gasped. "Oh, let up, Ben. You've licked him! We didn't think 'twas in you. Come fair play." "There's a good deal in me," cried Ben sturdily. "And I'm going to sit here all night till Perkins begs. I've a good seat.