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Here, fortune had smiled on him; his flag hardly set a-flying custom had poured in, business gone up by leaps and bounds "Although I have never sold so much as a pint of spirits, sir!" His profits for the past six months equalled a clear three hundred, and he had most of this to the good.

Upon which, with one common instinct, the whole party made a rush for the garden gates, and disappeared into the fields. Mrs. Briggs knew her company: there was something in the very name of a constable which sent them all a-flying. After running a reasonable time, Mr. Billings stopped. But the great Moffat was nowhere to be seen, and Polly Briggs had likewise vanished.

Drink a pure claret while you may, Your "stiff" is still a-flying; And he who dines so well to-day To-morrow may be lying, Pounced down upon by Jews tout net, Or outlawed in a French guinguette! Bertie was a great believer if the words are not too sonorous and too earnest to be applied to his very inconsequent views upon any and everything in the philosophy of happy accident.

She stood up to her work just as if she had an old hand at the throttle instead of a novice. I wish I were able to describe my sensations as the engine swayed to and fro in her flight. The fireman was rather an intelligent chap, and had no trouble in keeping her hot, and twenty-three cars wasn't much of a train for old 341. We went up the grade a-flying.

Or, stay! there is another way to stimulate the ganglionic cells and become dexterous in the cosmic potentiality the Daily Theme sent to a woman who thinks and feels. That is the way that Goethe acquired his style. There were love-letters that crossed each other daily, and after years of this practise the sparks a-flying Goethe found himself the greatest stylist of his day. Love taught him.

When Minty told me that story, she was back in my dressing-room, and I sent her out o' there a-flying, and with a tongue-lashing that she won't forget for a month o' Sundays." "I reckon that was the reason she jumped on me so hard at the club." He chuckled. He had taken heart again. All that Sadness had said was true, after all, and people thought no less of him. His joy was unbounded.

Away with tears and sordid fears, no trouble will we borrow, but shed our woes like winter clothes it's Patrick's day tomorrow. With clubs and rakes we'll chase the snakes, and send the toads a-flying, and we'll be seen with ribbons green, all other hues decrying.

Gather ye rose-buds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying; And the same flower that blooms to-day, To-morrow may be dying! Rost nubila Phoebus; "after clouds, comes sunshine." I did not allow the coldness of Min's mother to dwell long in my mind. What, if Mrs Clyde did not appear to like me?

"Well, well, well!" exclaimed Brother Roach, after exchanging a look of amazement with Brother Brannum. "Well, well, well! Who'd 'a' thought it? Once 'twas the nigger in the wood-pile; now it's the nigger in the steeple, and arter a while they'll be a-flying in the air, mark my words. I call that the impidence of the Old Boy. Maybe you don't know that nigger, Brother Brannum?"

As she goes by, shell set all her flags a-flying, and, if Father isn't at home, Mother will send up our great red flag on the garden pole. Oh dear! I could nearly cry for joy to think of it!" "And me too!" said Pansy. "And me too!" Veevee seemed to say, as he gave a short bark, and, jumping down from the seat, ran round the garden, looking like a fluffy white ball.