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"But then again, at other times, I have seen them shining over the whole sea when it was quite calm, making it like an ocean of milk; and nothing was disturbing them at that time, d'ye see." "I don' know that," objected Tom; "they might have bin a-fightin' among theirselves." "Or playing, may be," said I.

'Empseed," retorted Jellyband, "and as I says, what can you 'xpect? There's all them Frenchy devils over the Channel yonder a-murderin' their king and nobility, and Mr. Pitt and Mr. Fox and Mr. Burke a-fightin' and a-wranglin' between them, if we Englishmen should 'low them to go on in their ungodly way. 'Let 'em murder! says Mr. Pitt. 'Stop 'em! says Mr. Burke."

"To think what ye've been through yere husband near to dyin' afore yere eyes, and ye a-reskin' yere own life to save him so Tom tells me. When Tom goes out a-fightin' red-skins I'm that fidgety I can't set still. I wouldn't let him know what I feel fer the world. But well ye know the pain of it, who love yere husband like that." The lady would have smiled bravely, had the strength been given her.

The dispute invariably began by their asking: "Well, what are you 'uns down here a-fightin' we 'uns for?" As this was replied to the newt one followed: "Why are you'uns takin' our niggers away from we 'uns for?" Then came: "What do you 'uns put our niggers to fightin' we'uns for?" The windup always was: "Well, let me tell you, sir, you can never whip people that are fighting for liberty, sir."

"I got more whuppin's dan any other Nigger on de place, 'cause I was mean like my mammy. Always a-fightin' an' scratchin' wid white an' black. I was so bad Marster made me go look at de Niggers dey hung to see what dey done to a Nigger dat harm a white man. "I's gwine tell dis story on myse'f. De white chillun was a-singin' dis song: 'Jeff Davis, long an' slim, Whupped old Abe wid a hick'ry limb.

Some of' em she sets to robbin' the mails, some to makin' an' passin' of counterfeit money, but most of 'em she sets at stealin' free niggers outen the State of Delaware; and, when it's safe, they steal slaves too. She fust made a tool of Ebenezer Johnson, the pirate of Broad Creek, an' he died in his tracks a-fightin fur her.

Den one Satu'd'y night Mr. Theodore's big sto' got set fiah to an' de Mayor he tried to blame it on de Kloo-Kluxes. 'Course ever'body knowed de Yankees done it. You see de Yankees was a-tryin' to git de Gov'nor to run de Kloo-Kluxes out. Dat was one awful fiah. Near 'bout de whole town burnt up down town an' ever' nice white man was down dare a-fightin' de fiah.

"What for?" demanded the woman, speaking with the air of one in authority. "'Cause she wouldn't let old Sal beat Kit half to death," answered the child. "Ho! Sal's a devil and Pinky's a fool to meddle with her." Then turning to the policeman, who still had his hand on the girl, she said, "What're you goin' to do, John?" "Goin' to lock her up. She's drunk an' bin a-fightin'."