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"Don't you think it would be wise for Jane to marry me?" "Ay for Jane." "Not for me?" "It's only wise for a man to marry a woman what he loves," said Barney Bill. "Well?" "You said, when we was a-driving here, as you are going to live for the Truth and nothing but the Truth. I only mention it," added the old man drily.

"I'm a-going somewheres." "Where is he going?" I asked. "Somewheres," repeated the boy in a louder tone. "I have been moved on, and moved on, more nor ever I was afore, since the t'other one give me the sov'ring. Mrs. Snagsby, she's always a- watching, and a-driving of me what have I done to her? and they're all a-watching and a-driving of me.

He took it meekly enough, with a barrel of pat excuses to come after. And he asked me to lend him my phaeton, that he might go a-driving with Miss Crane, of the theatrical company, to Round Bay! Meanwhile I saw Miss Manners more frequently than was good for my peace of mind, and had my turn as her partner at the balls.

He took it meekly enough, with a barrel of pat excuses to come after. And he asked me to lend him my phaeton, that he might go a-driving with Miss Crane, of the theatrical company, to Round Bay! Meanwhile I saw Miss Manners more frequently than was good for my peace of mind, and had my turn as her partner at the balls.

Haven't you just said that the marriage was not acknowledged until his wife arrived?" "Why, yes, honey; but what's that to do with it? with you being there, I mean? Seems to me there's a puzzlement here between us? Did you stay there till one o'clock, honey?" "Why, no, of course not! We came away at eight." "Then I'm blessed if I know what you're a-driving at!

But ride he would, as if Old Harry had been a-driving him; and he'd a son, a lad o' sixteen; and nothing would his father have him do, but he must ride and ride though the lad was frighted, they said.

The noise of wheels at the front of the house became audible. Boldwood closed the box, stowed it away carefully in his pocket, and went out upon the landing. The old man who was his indoor factotum came at the same moment to the foot of the stairs. "They be coming, sir lots of 'em a-foot and a-driving!" "I was coming down this moment. Those wheels I heard is it Mrs. Troy?"

"I have been moved on and moved on, more nor I wos afore. Mrs. Snagsby, she's allus a-watching and a-driving of me. What have I done to her? And they're all a-watching and a-driving of me. Everyone of them's doing of it from the time when I don't get up to the time when I don't go to bed. And I'm a-going somewheres, that's where I'm a-going!"

A mad poet called Blake. 'To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower; Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour'." Barney Bill started forward in his chair and clapped his hand on the young man's knee. "By gum! you've got it. That's what I was a-driving at. That's Silas.

I've seen ye in the wild typhoon beneath a Southern sky, I've seen ye when the Northern gales drove seas to mast-head high, But summer breeze or winter blow, from Hatt'ras to Cape Race, I've yet to see ye with the sign of fear upon your face. Oh, swingin' cross the Bay Go eighty sail of seiners, And every blessed one of them a-driving to her rail!