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And the tw-twenty dollars? I'll g-get it to-morrow, you say?" "Yes." "A-and the other t-t-twenty? I'll get it later, eh?" "You can trust me, can't you, Patsy?" queried Billy. "B-betch yur life I can. E-e-e-everybody does. B-but how much later?" "When it is all over," answered Billy. "A-all right," responded his stuttering friend.

I-I'll take you to her, sure; receive maternal thanks, a-and all that. Oh, say, boys! look here!" he shouted, and holding out the big cane in front of me to prevent my passing, he called to him two other men, who slowly and with almost superhuman caution were negotiating the snowy steps. "Say, Colonel! Judge! come here and help me p-pr'tect this un-fortunate child."

"A-and who might your worship be?" asked Bartlemy, with a cold shudder; for he felt desperately afraid that he had got hold of Old Boguey or Old Nick it was not much matter which. "That's none of your business," said the being; "but if you must know, I am Snippinbitz, the patron of the tailors." "O lord, your worship, you don't say so!" stammered Bartlemy. "That's a fact!" returned the goblin.

He gravely taught them the letters on the backs of the encyclopedias, and when polite visitors asked about the mental progress of the "little ones," they were horrified to hear the children earnestly repeating A-And, And-Aus, Aus-Bis, Bis-Cal, Cal-Cha. Carol's mother died when she was nine. Her father retired from the judiciary when she was eleven, and took the family to Minneapolis.

"I've g-got a b-bunny, a-and it f-fell in the g-grease box a-and we c-can't wash it off, a-and h-he's asleep now. C-can I g-give my b-bunny some b-bacon, Mister G-godsend?" The woman laughed, and Jack dear laughed, and Casey himself grinned sheepishly. Casey did not want to be called a godsend, and he hated the term "Mister" when applied to himself.

I-I'd ruther be shot t-than p-pitched off into a c-canyon, s-somewhere a-and busted up!" Casey is a little man. When he was young he was slim, but he always has owned a pale blue, unwinking squint which he uses with effect. He halted where he was and squinted up at the man, and spat fluid tobacco and grinned. "You're here, and you're able to kick about my drivin'. That's purty good luck, I'd say.

He read the BIS-CAL volume because, after many days, he had finished the A-AND, AND-AUS, and the AUS-BIS. There was something admirable and yet a little horrible about Henry's method of study. He went after Learning with the cold and dispassionate relentlessness of a stoat pursuing a rabbit. Not so Henry. His was not a frivolous mind.