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He ride me till he drop dead, swift, quick, like de bird fly. So I make eet all right, señor. You see ven de daylight come I be San Juan. Den I make mooch fun for de Señor Farnham sure I do." "I-I reckon you 'll m-make it all right, l-l-little girl," answered the man regretfully, his voice hushed to a low growl, "b-but jest the same I a-ain't so darn g-g-glad ter l-let yer go.

He turned silently away from her, leading the pony forward, his head bent low, his shoulders stooped. There was a dejection apparent about the action which her eyes could not mistake. She touched him pleadingly. "You no ver' angry Mercedes, señor?" Brown half turned about, and rested one great hand upon her soft hair in mute caress. "N-no, little girl, it a-ain't that," he admitted slowly.

She put her hands to her face, and then hid it against the pony's neck, her slight form trembling violently beneath the touch of his fingers. The strange actions of the girl, her continued silence, half frightened him. "Maybe yer a-ain't ready yit?" he questioned, his manner full of apology. "Oh, señor, I cannot say dat sure I cannot," she sobbed, her face yet hidden.

"Well, g-good L-L-Lord! a-ain't I tryin' to t-tell ye? When we crossed the river and g-got to the step-off, Rita and D-Dic had went away and D-Doug and me st-started after 'em down the path toward B-Bays's. When we g-got up t-to 'em D-Doug he says, says 'ee, 'I-I've come for my k-kiss, says 'ee, jes' that-a-way.

You's at Wa'trace Hall Mahsteh Majah's new country-house; yes, sah; dat's whah you is kee-hee!" "And who is 'Master Major'?" pressed Blount, whose bewilderment grew with every fresh attempt to dispel it. "A-ain't she tell you dat? kee-hee! Ev'body knows Mahsteh Majah; yes, sah. If de mistis ain't tell you, ol' Barnabas ain't gwine to no, sah.

Blount saw his last chance for better information vanishing for the night, and once more broke with the traditions. "Uncle Barnabas, before you go, suppose you tell me where I am," he suggested. "Whose house is this?" The old man stopped on the threshold, chuckling gleefully. "A-ain't you know dat, sah? a-ain't de mistis done tell you dat?