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It is hard to mention Thomas Russell and ignore Henry Joy M'Cracken it is hard to speak of the Insurrection of '98 and forget the gallant young Irishman who commanded at the battle of Antrim, and who perished a few weeks subsequently, in the bloom of his manhood, on the scaffold in Belfast.

Bummie Booth, who had stood the strain of the contest wonderfully well, and had played a grand game against Hale, gave way to Horace Bannard, brother of Bill Bannard, the famous Princeton halfback of '98. It was no wonder that Princeton was downcast when McBride scored the touchdown and the goal was about to be kicked.

"You know Charley Nevers, well, av all the pious frauds! Say, Counsellor, ain't he the cute feller! What do you suppose, now? I got his record to-day. Cast yer eye over it." I did. This is it: No. 98 No. The Central Office, Bureau of Detectives, Police Department of the City of New York, 300 Mulberry Street. Name........................Charles François Alias.......................Count de Nevers

Moreover, Julius Trajanus, whom Nerva adopted, and who began to reign after him in 98, did not persecute actively, but there were laws in force against the Christians.

The History begins with the reign of Trajan, in A.D. 98, and "builds a straight Roman road" through the confused histories of thirteen centuries, ending with the fall of the Byzantine Empire in 1453. The scope of the History is enormous.

The next day you see it on the bargain counter marked "98 cents," and you say, "Come to my arms," and carry it home. You did not feel like a dollar and a half toward it, but you did feel exactly like ninety-eight cents. It is because of this wonderful measure of value that we are able to deal with a multitude of diverse articles without mental confusion.

A little girl with a rubber doll in a red woollen jacket a combination to make the perspiration run right off one with the humidity at 98 looks wistfully down from the second-story balcony of the smallpox pavilion, as the doctor goes past with the last sheep tucked under his arm. But though it baa-a ever so loudly, it is not for her.

Without a qualm he wrote it down on his own paper with a triumphant flourish. There was great surprise throughout the school a few days later when the grades of the examination were made public: Elsie Gardiner, 95; Abraham Goldstein, 98, winner of the Parsons cash prize of $100. Migwan felt like a wanderer on the face of the earth after losing that history prize.

Through Roosevelt's instrumentality, Commodore George Dewey had been appointed in the preceding autumn to command our Asiatic Squadron, and while, in the absence of Governor Long, Roosevelt was Acting-Secretary, he sent the following dispatch: Washington, February 25,'98. Dewey, Hong Kong: Order the squadron, except the Monocacy, to Hong Kong. Keep full of coal.

"$10 value, reduced to $3.98," may mean something worth really $3. "Finest quality" may mean average quality; goods passed off as first-class may be shoddy or adulterated. Labels on foodstuffs and drugs are, happily, controlled to some degree by the national government; there ought to be a similar control over all advertising.