United States or Grenada ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Of the 149,000 Russian and Polish Hebrews who came in 1907, 93,000 settled in New York state, 15,000 in Pennsylvania, and 9000 in Massachusetts, these three states being the favorite places of settlement for recent Jewish immigrants.

On the 1st June 1840 they pumped out 3285 gallons a minute. Engines were erected which raised 93,000 gallons a minute from a depth of 90 fathoms or 540 feet, and this was done night and day. The amount expended to reach the coal in this pit was £300,000. Mr.

It is true that, by employing troops and Turkomans, the work may be done cheaply; but all this will take a long time. I am very glad you touch on the question between France and Siam: it is a serious one. In the early days of July the Reeves settled down for the summer at Foxholes, avoiding the great heat, with the thermometer at 80 deg. F. when in London it was reaching as high as 93 deg.

On the other hand, it was argued that Section 93 of the British North America Act introduced at the instance of the Protestant minority of Quebec, and designed to protect the interest of all minorities morally and legally bound the whole Dominion; that the Manitoba Act of 1870 confirmed the principle that the Dominion could give a new province only such powers as the constitution provided, which meant control over education subject to the minority's privilege; and that parliament, by unanimously establishing separate schools in the North-West Territories in 1875, had still further bound its successors, or at least had shown how the Fathers of Confederation interpreted the constitution.

In her youth, in '93, she had married a monk who had fled from his cloister in a red cap, and passed from the Bernardines to the Jacobins. She was dry, rough, peevish, sharp, captious, almost venomous; all this in memory of her monk, whose widow she was, and who had ruled over her masterfully and bent her to his will. She was a nettle in which the rustle of the cassock was visible.

Foster made 128 and Henderson 93, I got one wicket for 78 runs, but the man I got out was not supposed to be a batsman, and he confided to me as we went back to the pavilion that his highest score for his school during the last season had been 5.

Abroad Japan's loans were no less successful. The three issues made in Europe during the war were literally rushed for by the investing public, with the result that whereas in May, 1904, Japan offered for subscription a loan of £10,000,000, the issue price being £93 10s. and the rate of interest 6 per cent., in March, 1905, despite the fact of two previous loans and the exhaustion of the country incidental to a long and expensive war, she was able to place on the market a loan of thirty millions at per cent. interest, the issue price being £90.

He was against the Topeka constitution, and offered, instead, a bill providing for the admission of Kansas, so soon as her population should reach 93,000, which would entitle her to one representative in Congress, with such constitution as her people might lawfully adopt. The House, with an anti-slavery majority, was for admitting Kansas at once with the Topeka constitution.

Orat. 93, his negative panegyric on his own oratorical attainments. Orat. 29. Tusc. Quæst. i. 1; de clar. Orat. 82, etc., de opt. gen. dicendi. Quinct. x. 1. De Fin. iii. 1 and 4; Lucull. 6. Plutarch, in Vitâ.

See Boswell's Hebrides, Nov. 10, 1773. See ante, March 15, 1776, and post, Sept. 21, 1777. 'To convince any man against his will is hard, but to please him against his will is justly pronounced by Dryden to be above the reach of human abilities. The Rambler, No. 93. Foote told me that Johnson said of him, 'For loud obstreperous broadfaced mirth, I know not his equal. BOSWELL.