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However, there will always be those who are true to him who has chosen them out of the world, and after long days of weary waiting their hearts will rejoice in the sudden appearing of the righteous judge who will bring with him glories brighter than they have dared to ask or to expect. The Pharisee and the Publican. Ch. 18:9-14

Genesis xvii. 9-14, 23, 27. Excommunication from the family was a PUNISHMENT. Genesis xxi. 14-Luke xvi. 2-4. The fact that every Hebrew servant could COMPEL his master to keep him after the six years contract had, expired, shows that the system was framed to advance the interests and gratify the wishes of the servant quite as much as those of the master.

Discourse on counting the cost of discipleship Luke xiv. 25-35. Discourse on the coming of the kingdom Luke xvii. 20-37. Parable of the Unjust Judge Luke xviii. 1-8. Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican Luke xviii. 9-14. The Journey through Perea to Jerusalem What he did and taught at this time is not shown at all by John, and only in scant fashion by the other two.

Jenyn's Zool. of Beagle, p. 13. Native name WARRAGUIT. "Herring" of the settlers. Rays, D. 9-14; A. 3-10; etc. Inhabits rocky shores, and is taken in the summer, by net on sandy beaches. Specimen caught by the hook, on the 27th March, 1841. No. 23. "Rays, D. 10-24; A. 2-9; P. 14; V. 1-5." Eye fine crimson: pupil deep blue-black. Tail slightly rounded.

So, too, he taught his disciples to pray with importunity, ch. 11:5-10, with perseverance, ch. 18:1-7, and with penitence, ch. 18:9-14. Such trust in God, such sympathy, such bravery, are surely prominent among the many elements which are blended in this impressive portrayal of the ideal Man.

This is something that the motion picture industry should be interested in and I am sure that they will want to be. I would like to help you to have available for your Better Homes week, October 9-14, pictures that would show clearly just what the modern home should be.

I have a little home in Sullivan, Indiana, that we are most anxious to equip in just exactly the best way, and I am as much interested as any one could be in learning how this should be done, so I am looking forward to October 9-14 with much interest. With best wishes always, I am, Sincerely yours, Essentials for Demonstration Home Suggestions on Buildings and Grounds By JOHN IHLDER

To neglect them was to set up the standard of rebellion against God deny his sovereignty his right to give law. Those who persevered in neglect, after warnings, were no more to be considered as his people. ++ Genesis xvii. 9-14. Under the gospel dispensation, duties of like import are enjoined, and under the same penalty. The tokens of belonging to Christ are commanded.

These laws made a merciful provision for the poorer classes, both of the Israelites and Strangers, not laying on burdens, but lightening them they were a grant of privileges and favors. This is plain from the frequent use of it to illustrate the love and care of God for his chosen people. Deut. xxxii. 6; Ex. xv. 16; Ps. lxxiv. 2; Prov. viii. 22. Gen. xvii. 9-14, 23, 27.

Ch. xxxiii. section 10. F. Gaspar de Salazar. 3 Kings xix. 12: "Sibilus aurae tenuis." See St. Ch. xxxiv. section 1. St. John iii. 34: "Non enim ad mensuram dat Deus spiritum." See ch. xxxiii. section 15. St. Matt. xx. 9-14: "Volo autem et huic novissimo dare sicut et tibi." Ch. xiv. section 12.